SuiteApp Version: 1.11 and above
Mobile App Version: 1.11.404 and above
Audience: Administrator

Use Case

  • Allow linking one function to another by tapping on a field or icon. This will enable redirection to the desired function seamlessly. Sample scenarios are:
    • Enable users to tap on a customer name in a sales order list function to view or edit the customer record.
    • Enable users to create task records for a sales order when viewing a single sales order or when they are seeing a list of sales orders.
    • Enable users to view the linked Invoices of the sales order when they are viewing a single sales order or when they are seeing a list of sales orders.


eXtendMobile allows you to link functions together, eliminating the need to manually open different functions and provide the context of the current record when performing different tasks on the same record.

For instance, suppose you wish to view a list of all sales orders that are in a pending fulfillment status. Additionally, you want to be able to edit the sales order and transform it to an item fulfillment by tapping an icon within the same list. Furthermore, you want to be able to tap the customer to view the customer record linked with the sales order record.

Generally, you need to navigate to different functions to accomplish these tasks. However, if you link the other functions to the list function that displays all sales order records in pending fulfillment status, you can perform all these tasks directly from the sales order list function without having to navigate to different functions.

Note: Currently, eXtendMobile supports the linking of View, Create, Edit, and List functions.

Configuration Details

Add Linked Functions to a List Function

  1. Adding an Action Button
    To add action buttons that open another function, tap on the plus icon located at the bottom of the field configuration form.

    Note: the function which you want to link to must be present in your eXtendMobile function list.
    Image Placeholder

    1. A form will appear for configuring the action button.

    2. Specify field values according to the details provided below:
      1. Action Button Name
        Specify the name for the action button you are creating.

      2. Emitter Field
        The emitter field is the field which will be used as the scan field or input field for opening a function using the action button.

        Note: Make sure that the field used in here provides data that matches the value of the scan field specified in the function you are linking.

      3. Target Function
        This field displays the available functions in your eXtendMobile application. Select the function you want to link to the action button.

      4. Action Button Icon
        This field displays a list of icons that can be used to present the action button in the list.

        Note: If no value is specified, the Action Button Name will be used to show the action.
    3. If you selected a function with the Create Function type, an additional button named "Target Function Mapping" will appear on the screen. This allows you to transmit any field values from your list function's column fields to the target create function. To do this, you need to provide a mapping between the list column fields and the target create function's body level fields. Follow these steps to provide the mapping:
      Image Placeholder
      1. Tap the Target Function Mapping button.

      2. A page will appear to add field mappings.

      3. Tap on the add button to add a field mapping.
        Image Placeholder

      4. The source field will list all fields present on the current function's form, while the target fields will list all fields present on the target function.

      5. Map the fields according to your requirements, making sure to map fields of the same data type.
        Image Placeholder

      6. If the target field is a select field and you want to set the current record's reference in it, select the current record's internal ID under the source field and the select field under the target field. Edit the mapping by swiping right to set the label for the target field. 
        Image Placeholder

        Image Placeholder

      7. Once all mappings are added, tap the Save button to add your mappings.

      8. To edit a mapping, swipe the mapping to the right. To delete a mapping swipe the mapping to the left.

        Note: Starting in eXtendMobile version 1.1, you can map Date fields.
    4. If you selected a function with the List Function type, an additional field named Filter Field For Target Function will appear. Under this field you will need to specify the field of the target list function's record type which will be added as a dynamic filter to the target list function to show you the filtered result based on the configured emitter field.
      Image Placeholder

    5. Once all of the field details are specified, tap Save to save your action button configuration.

    6. In the below example, a sales order list function is configured with sales order view and sales order edit action buttons. Upon tapping one of the action buttons, the sales order's view or edit function will open.

Setting List Fields as an Action Button

In some cases, you may not want to add a separate action button to perform an action, but you need to make an existing list column value into an action button. For example, when viewing a sales order list, the list column may contain a customer. You can set the customer value as a hyperlink to open a customer edit function by connecting the customer field with the customer edit function.
  1. Edit your existing list function and go to the form configuration page.

  2. Tap on the kebab menu present on the field, and a modal to open the details will appear.

  3. Tap the Target Function to select the function you want to link.

  4. If the selected Target Function is of type List then an additional field will appear named Filter Field For Target Function will appear. Under this field you will need to specify the field of the target list function's record type which will be added as a dynamic filter to the target list function to show you the filtered result based on the current field's value.
    Image Placeholder

  5. Tap Save to save the field details, and then tap Save again to save the function.

  6. When the list function is opened, the field will now appear as a hyperlink. Tapping on the field will open the target function that was configured.

Adding Linked Functions to a View Function

  1. Adding an Action button
    1. Go to the form configuration page for your view function.

    2. Tap Add Target Function button. A page will open for configuring the target function.
      Image Placeholder

      Image Placeholder

    3. Form
      1. Field Label
        Specify the label for the linked function field.

      2. Function Link Text
        Specify the linked function link text which will appear on function execution.

      3. Target Function
        Select the target function.

      4. Hide Field Label
        If this option is enabled, the field label will not appear on the function.
    4. If you selected a function with the Create Function type, an additional button called "Target Function Mapping" will appear on the screen. This allows you to transmit any field values from your list function's column fields to the target create function. To do this, you need to provide a mapping between the list column fields and the target create function's body level fields. See the field mapping steps in the previous section, "Adding an Action Button", for details on creating the mapping.

    5. If you selected a function with List Function type an additional field named Filter Field For Target Function will appear. Under this field you will need to specify the field of the target list function's record type which will be added as a dynamic filter to the target list function to show you the filtered result based on the configured emitter field.

    6. Save the configuration.
  2. Setting Form Fields as an Action Button
    Similar to the list function, a field named Target Function is available in the field details for form fields. Select the target function you want to connect.
  1. Functions of the Create type can only be added as a separate action button in both List functions and View functions.