Version: 1.1.1
Audience: User


  • create a Pre-Item record (PIR) directly from the PIR Custom Record without generating it from an Opportunity. 
  • Optionally, you can link it to an existing Opportunity record later as per your requirement.


Navigation for standalone PIR creation: eXtendTech >
 eXtendVendorRFQ > PIR Records > New. 

If the standalone PIR is needed to be attached to an Opportunity later in the process, the Opportunity can be specified on the PIR with the Opportunity # field. This will add the PIR to the Opportunity sublist. Likewise, you can link multiple PIR records with the Opportunity as per your requirements. 


Note: PIR's connected to an Opportunity will append lines as per the PIR / Constituted Item upon the creation of the Constituted item.