Version: eXtendAlphaBroder 1.0.4
Audience: Administrator

AlphaBroder Setup 

Update eXtendAlphaBroder Setup Deployment
Before configuring the eXtendAlphaBroder setup make sure that the SSO id is configured correctly on the eXtendAlphaBroder setup deployment. 

  1. Navigate to: Customization → Scripting → Scripts.
  2. Find the script file titled eXtendAlphaBroder Suitelet and View it.
  3.  View the Deployments for the script on the Deployments subtab and Edit the eXtendAlphaBroder Setup {customdeploy_extend_alpha_setupdeployment.
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  4. Click the Parameters subtab, and enter customsso_extend_alpha_sso_id into the EXTENDALPHABRODER SSO ID field and click Save.
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Configure eXtendAlphaBroder Setup
  1. Navigate to: eXtendTech → AlphaBroder → Setup. 

  2. Specify values against the setup fields based on the details mentioned below: 

    1. General Configuration

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      1. SUBDOMAIN - Specify the subdomain for communicating with the eXtendTech item database.  Note: If this field is disabled and already populated, you may have another eXtendTech Bundle in your account which already has a subdomain specified.

    2. AlphaBroder Credentials InformationImage Placeholder

      1. USERNAME - AlphaBroder web services API username as received from AlphaBroder. 
      2. PASSWORD - AlphaBroder web services API password as received from AlphaBroder. 
      3. DEV-USERNAME - AlphaBroder development system username as received from AlphaBroder. 
      4. DEV-PASSWORD - AlphaBroder development system password as received from AlphaBroder. 
      5. CUSTOMER NUMBER - AlphaBroder web services API customer number as received from AlphaBroder.
      6. HOST NAME - AlphaBroder web services APIs hostname. 
        1. USA - it is generally for Production and for Staging.
        2. Canada - it is generally for Production and for Staging.
      7. ALPHABRODER PROMOSERVICES HOST URL LINK - AlphaBroder URL for Promo services. 
        1. USA - it is generally for Production and for Staging.
        2. Canada - it is generally for Production and for Staging.
    3. Item Constitution Settings Image Placeholder
      1. ITEM TYPE - The type of item to be created when constituting AlphaBroder items. 
      2. ITEM CONSTITUTION TYPE  - This determines whether items will be constituted in NetSuite as matrix or non-matrix 
        1. Matrix: Item will be constituted as a matrix item and grouped under the style code as the parent item.
        2. Non-Matrix with Parent: Item will be constituted as a non-matrix item and grouped under the style code as the parent item.  
        3. Non-Matrix: Item will be constituted as a non-matrix item and no parent will be created.
      3. VENDOR - Vendor for the AlphaBroder web services API. 
      4. SET ALPHABRODER AS PREFERRED VENDOR ON ITEMS - Sets AlphaBroder as the default vendor on item constitution/update. If a vendor is already specified on an item, then it will not be updated upon item refresh/update. 
      5. CATEGORY LIST FIELD - List representing AlphaBroder categories. 
      6. CATEGORY ITEM LIST FIELD - Field on the item record showing the assigned AlphaBroder category. 
      7. IS CATEGORY REQUIRED ON ITEM SEARCH - Determines whether the category field is mandatory to complete item constitution. 
      8. NON-MATRIX COLOR FIELD - Non-Matrix color attribute field on the item record.
      9. NON-MATRIX SIZE FIELD - Non-Matrix size attribute field on the item record.
      10. MATRIX COLOR OPTION LIST FIELD - Matrix color attribute list field on the item record. Make sure this field is a Matrix option field to avoid error(s). 
      11. MATRIX COLOR LIST ID - Internal ID of the color list used for populating values for the “MATRIX COLOR OPTION LIST FIELD”.
      12. MATRIX SIZE OPTION LIST FIELD - Matrix size attribute list field on the item record. Make sure this field is a Matrix option field to avoid error(s). 
      13. MATRIX SIZE LIST ID - Internal ID of the size list used for populating values for the “MATRIX SIZE OPTION LIST FIELD”. 
      14. MATRIX ITEM NAME TEMPLATE - This field is used to control how the matrix item will be displayed in the Matrix Item Name/Number field. We recommend the value as alb-{custitem_extend_AlphaBroder_style}-{custitem_extend_AlphaBroder_color}-{custitem_extend_AlphaBroder_size} Please ensure the value is chosen such that each matrix child can get a unique name. 
      15. ABBREVIATE MATRIX LIST IN NAME -  Determines whether to set the matrix field’s abbreviations in the Item Name/Item Number or not. Example: If the matrix color field is Black and its abbreviation is BLK, then upon item constitution the color will be shown as BLK in Item Name/Item Number when this option is enabled.
      16. REFRESH ITEM NAME OF EXISTING ITEM - Determines whether to update the item name on an existing item which was constituted with eXtendAlphaBroder when refreshing its data from AlphaBroder.
      17. EMAIL SENDER FOR NOTIFICATION - In case of script errors, a notification email will be sent via selected email sender. 
      18. EMAIL RECEIVER’S EMAIL FOR NOTIFICATION - Email alerts which are sent will be received by the emails listed here. 
      19.  IGNORE MANDATORY ITEM FIELDS - This checkbox determines whether to ignore the mandatory fields on the item form during item constitution or not.
    4. NetSuite Purchase Order fields for placing AlphaBroder Purchase Order 
      Please see Place Purchase Orders to AlphaBroder and generate Item Fulfillments and Vendor Bills for more information on Purchase Order configuration.
    5. Inventory

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      1. PAGE SIZE - Page size for the AlphaBroder inventory search.
      2. SHOW INVENTORY PRODUCT MESSAGE - Determines whether to display any product messages in the inventory details during inventory search.
    6. Order Status

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      1. PAGE SIZE - Page size for the AlphaBroder order search.
    7. Additional Settings Image Placeholder
      1. Refresh Button Settings -
        1. SHOW REFRESH FROM ALPHABRODER BUTTON ON ITEMS - Determines whether to show the “Refresh from AlphaBroder” button on the item record or not. 
        2. SHOW REFRESH FROM ALPHABRODER PRICING BUTTON ON ITEMS - Determines whether to show the “Refresh Pricing from AlphaBroder” button on the item record or not. 
      2. Miscellaneous Settings - 
        1. MAX API RESPONSE SIZE - Maximum API response size from AlphaBroder (in MB) allowed for all services.
        2. SEND ONLY ERROR(S) - Enable this checkbox if you want email reporting for item constitution errors only (no success email and item list).
        3. DEFAULT ITEM SHIPMENT STATUS - Default status for Item Fulfillment/Shipments created with eXtendAlphaBroder.
          WARNING: If you are setting a status as something other than Shipped, tracking may not be set on the record.
        4. MAXIMUM STATUS INFORMATION IN EMAIL - Maximum number of statuses that you would receive in single email. In the case of very large status, multiple emails will be sent based on this configuration. 
        5. ALLOW DUMMY ALPHABRODER SERVICE RESPONSE - Used for development purposes. Check this box if you want to use a dummy PromoStandards services response instead of the actual response. Note: This must be unchecked in Sandbox accounts and in Production accounts.
        6. AVOID RUNNING M/R SCRIPTS IN SANDBOX & RP - This checkbox determines whether Map-reduce scripts will be executed in Sandbox and Release Preview accounts or not.
        7. ALLOW PLACE PO IN SANDBOX & RP - This checkbox determines whether Place PO feature will be executed in Sandbox and Release Preview accounts or not.

          Note: This feature is applicable for Sandbox and Release Preview accounts only, Purchase order will always be placed in Production accounts.
        8. IGNORE MANDATORY FIELDS FOR VENDOR BILL AND ITEM FULFILLMENT CREATION - This checkbox determines whether to ignore the mandatory fields on the vendor bill and item fulfillment form while generating vendor bill and item fulfillments item constitution or not.
      3. PURCHASE PRICE BULK UPDATE: SAVED SEARCH ID - Saved search id for AlphaBroder items whose purchase price will update on a scheduled basis. 

        Note: The maximum number of supported items in this Map/Reduce script is 
        999,000. It requires the eXtendAlphabroder Purchase Price MR {customscript_extend_alpha_purchase_price} scripts to be scheduled.