Version: eXtendAlphaBroder 1.0.2 and Above
Audience: Administrator

Product Search and Constitution

eXtendAlphaBroder allows you to search and create AlphaBroder items within NetSuite to ensure exact configuration and consistency of item records.

To perform the Search and Constitution function, follow the steps below: 

1. Navigate to eXtendTech → AlphaBroder  Item Search.

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2. Enter the item filters in the fields in the Search Section (such as Style number) and click the the Submit button.  You will receive results related to your search. Image Placeholder

3. The Basic Product Information section and the detail table will populate with the corresponding product data. 
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a. Check the select checkbox and select item colors and sizes you want to constitute in your NetSuite account.  If you directly select the Colors and Item Sizes, then the select checkbox will be auto-checked. 

b. Click the Submit button to create an item within your company NetSuite account so you can use it on Sales Orders and / or Purchase Orders. 

c. If the items selected for constitution is less than five in number, then the items will be constituted real-time. If you have more than five items they will be queued for constitution.

Once the items have been processed and constituted, the current status of the request will change to Complete and the current user will receive an email with the constituted items details.  If any error occurred during item constitution it will be displayed under the error column.

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Note: If the Send only error(s) checkbox is checked in your eXtendAlphaBroder settings, then in your email you will see the number of constituted items and the list of items whose constitution failed with any error details.

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Email with constituted items number and error details

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Email with constituted items number only if no constitution error occurred 

If the “ABBREVIATE MATRIX LIST IN NAME” checkbox is checked in the eXtendAlphaBroder settings, then in case of matrix item constitution, the matrix option’s abbreviations will be used for setting the Item Name/Item Number.

For e.g. Matrix color field is Black and it's abbreviation is BLK then upon item constitution color will be shown as BLK in Item Name/Item Number. 

4. You can go to the item detail page by clicking on the item SKU.  All details related to the product can be found on this page.  You can also constitute the item by specifying category, color and sizes.

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Part inventory details can also be viewed directly from this page.
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Refreshing Items Constituted from AlphaBroder

eXtendAlphaBroder allows you to update your constituted AlphaBroder items’ information from AlphaBroder. 

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After AlphaBroder item constitution has taken place, you will find a Refresh from AlphaBroder button on the Item Record. In the case of matrix items, you will find this button on the child records. By clicking on this button, your item's attributes will be refreshed from AlphaBroder. 

Any changes in the AlphaBroder item will be reflected on your constituted AlphaBroder item after refresh.

Note: The item name will not be refreshed on the item refresh unless the "REFRESH ITEM NAME OF EXISTING ITEM" checkbox is checked in the eXtendAlphaBroder settings.

Refreshing Item pricing of items constituted from AlphaBroder

eXtendAlphaBroder allows you to update your constituted AlphaBroder item pricing information from AlphaBroder. 

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You will find a Refresh AlphaBroder Pricing button on your item record. In the case of matrix items, you will find this button on the child records. By clicking on this button, your item's pricing will be refreshed from AlphaBroder. No other attribute of your item record will update.

Any changes in the AlphaBroder item pricing will be reflected on your constituted AlphaBroder item pricing after refresh.

Constituting All AlphaBroder Items

Please refer to Constituting AlphaBroder Items in Bulk with Specified Criteria for bulk creation of AlphaBroder items.