Version: All
Audience: Administrator
To create items from ASI using eXtendASI, you need to create eXtendTech Field Mapping records. These mapping records are used to map fields from ASI to your NetSuite item fields. You can create some basic mapping records using a Suitelet included in eXtendASI. This will automatically create the standard eXtendASI mappings. From there, you can adjust existing mappings or create additional mappings based on your use case.
To create the basic mapping records:
- Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts and view the eXtendASI Suitelet 2.0.
- Click the Deployments subtab and open eXtendASI Field Mappings deployment.
- Clicking the URL on the script deployment page generates the default mapping records. Upon successful generation, a success message will be displayed.Note: Clicking the URL multiple times will result in the creation of duplicate mapping records. We recommend removing the script deployment once the default mapping records have been generated.
To create additional mapping record outside of the basic mappings included in eXtendASI, see Creating eXtendTech Field Mapping Records for Item Constitution.