- eXtendASI all versions
- eXtendPS-DE and above
Audience: User
This feature allows you to refresh the purchase price for an item that was originally created with the eXtendASI tool, so that you can obtain your specific purchase price from your vendor's PromoStandards pricing.
- Navigate to an item which was created using eXtendASI and which has a linked PromoStandards vendor. Here, you will find the 'Refresh PromoStandards Pricing' button.
- Click this button to refresh the purchase price of the item. The new purchase price will be requested from the PromoStandards Product Pricing and Configuration service response provided by the associated PromoStandards vendor.

Important Information
eXtendPS-DE uses the following matching techniques to search for the ASI item:
- The item record has an ASI product number field: 'ASI Product Number' (custitem_extend_asi_product_num).
- The 'ASI Product Number' field value must match the 'PromoStandards Product #'. value
- Additionally, the 'ASI Color' and 'ASI Size' values must match the 'PromoStandards Part #'.
- The 'Refresh PromoStandards Pricing' button will not be visible if the PromoStandards Product Pricing and Configuration and Product Data endpoints are not configured for the associated PromoStandards vendor.
- The first available FOB point in the Product Pricing and Configuration response will always be used, as FOB points are not available on ASI items.
- If the purchase price received from the PromoStandards pricing response is zero, the process will not update the existing purchase price on the item record.