Version: eXtendESP 1.0.4 and above
Audience: Administrator

To sync items in real time to ESP, make sure ENABLE REALTIME SYNC FROM NS TO ESP is checked on the eXtendESP Setup page.

Before syncing an item, make sure all ESP-required fields are populated, and when you click the Save button on the item, it is synced to ESP.

Note: Make sure all the fields required by ESP for external integration is mapped in your account with your item fields. Please refer ESP-Updates - Web Services API Product Guide present on ESP website. For your convenience a workflow eXtendESP Item Sync Validation[Bundle] is provided along with eXtendESP-SE bundle which mark the mandatory fields on the item form when you make the item as ESP item.

When ENABLE REAL-TIME SYNC FROM NS TO ESP is unchecked, items are synced to ESP on a scheduled basis, in specified time intervals. For scheduled/Non-Real Time item syncs, once you save the item, it is marked to be synced to ESP and is auto synced later when the schedule script runs.

Note: If any error occurs while item sync, it can be found on item in the field specified under ITEM FIELD TO WRITE ITEM SYNC RESPONSE in eXtendESP Setup.