Version: eXtendDAC 1.0.0 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


The eXtendTech Dynamic Assembly Component (eXtendDAC) allows for the creation of dynamic assembly items. Components can be configured on the fly while creating sales orders using these eXtendDAC-enabled items. This is particularly useful for creating work orders with variable components based on the current sales order. With eXtendDAC, you don't need to pre-create all the assemblies for all the different variations. Instead, you can choose the dynamic components needed for the sales orders in an on-demand manner.


Before eXtendDAC functions can be enabled, a workflow must be configured and enabled. This allows components to be dynamically swapped on the resulting work order records.

Note: This configuration step will be performed by eXtendTech during installation.

Creating Assembly Item with Dynamic Components 

To create assembly items that use the eXtendDAC functionality, follow the configuration steps below:

1. Create Placeholder Items
Placeholder items are those which occupy the default component slot on your assembly item. During eXtendDAC configuration, the placeholder item is replaced with the desired component item for the resulting work order. While there are no restrictions on the placeholder item's NetSuite Item Type, we recommend using a Non-Inventory Item as the Item Type for the placeholder item.

For example, if you are creating an assembly item with four components and you want to make two of them dynamic, you need to define those two dynamic components during sales order creation. This allows you to select which items should be used in place of the placeholder items.

2. Create Saved Search for Applicable Component Array 
A saved search is used to group and display all items that can potentially substitute for your placeholder item. The saved search should only return items that can act as possible substitutes for the placeholder item. In the example below, the saved search associated with customsearch_extend_tees_dac has been configured to show the items which are available in place of the Tee: Placeholder item.
Image Placeholder

Note: If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, make sure that the assembly item, placeholder items, and swappable substitute items are all in the same subsidiary.
3. Create Assembly Item
To create your assembly item, use the placeholder items for the components you want to make dynamic, along with any other static components.
Image Placeholder
4. Create eXtendDAC Component Array Record 
The eXtendDAC Component Array custom record contains information about the dynamic assembly item, placeholder item, and original item array. With this information, all available options that can be selected against the placeholder item will be available for selection during sales order creation.

To create an eXtendDAC Component Array record, go to eXtendTech eXtendDAC eXtendDAC Component Array New.
Image Placeholder

Configure the field values depending on your dynamic assembly item's requirements:
  1. Name
    Specify a name for your eXtendDAC record.
  2. eXtendDAC Search Array
    Enter the saved search internal id containing the list of swappable substitute items for your placeholder item.
  3. eXtendDAC - Items
    Select the assembly items which will be utilizing this eXtendDAC record and where an applicable placeholder item is to be replaced.

    Multiple assembly items can be specified to use the same placeholder item and the same eXtendDAC Component Array record. You may also leave the "eXtendDAC - Items" field blank and assign a value on the assembly item record itself.
  4. eXtendDAC - Placeholder Item
    Select the placeholder item which will be replaced.
Repeat this process to create as many dynamic assembly items as necessary for your requirements.

On your assembly item record, add the placeholder components under the eXtendDAC subtab as shown below:
Image Placeholder
Note :If an assembly item was not added on the eXtendDAC Component Array record in step 4 above, at this point it will be automatically added displayed as subrecord.

Working with eXtendDAC Assembly Items 

Sales Order Creation

Create a sales order using eXtendDAC assembly items as shown below:
Image Placeholder

After specifying all the items on your sales order's line items, click Configure Assembly Component to open the DAC Configuration modal.
Image Placeholder
A modal for item configuration will appear, allowing you to select your final items. These items will be rendered as a list, based on the saved search that you provided on the eXtendDAC record.

Image Placeholder

To finalize the components, click the Done button. When you save and generate work orders for the sales order, the work orders will use the original assembly components. An eXtendDAC script will then asynchronously replace the original assembly components with the dynamic items specified in the DAC Configuration modal.

: You can make changes to the assembly components using the DAC Configuration modal until work order are generated for your sales order record.