Version: eXtendFiles 1.6.5 and above
Audience: Administrator


eXtendFiles can automatically generate Multi-Approval and Public Upload URLs based on the file type uploaded to specific record types.

For example, if you configure Multi-Approval and Public Upload URLs to be generated on Sales Orders when an eXtendFile with the file type "Production Proof" is uploaded, then when such a file is uploaded to a Sales Order record, the Multi-Approval and Public Upload URLs will be automatically generated on that record.


Before you begin, ensure you have a copy of the eXtendFiles bundled workflow: "eXtendFiles Public & Approval URL Gen[B]".

  1. Go to Customization → Workflow → Workflows.
  2. Locate the workflow named "eXtendFiles Public & Approval URL Gen[B]":

  3. Copy the workflow, rename it by removing the suffix [B] and adding [L]. This naming is used as an indication that the workflow is the live version instead of the included bundled version. Set the new workflow as Released.

  4. Ensure the status of the bundled version "eXtendFiles Public & Approval URL Gen[B]" is set to Suspended.

Configuration Steps

To configure the URL generation, follow these steps:
  1. Access the eXtendFiles List Suitelet by opening the script deployment called eXtendFiles URL Configuration Solid.

    Alternatively, you can navigate to this script deployment from eXtendTech → eXtendFiles → eXtendFiles URL Configuration if this center link in available in your account.
  2. A page for selecting the file type field will appear:

  3. Set the File Type Field Id to "eXtendFiles - File Type (Custom)".
  4. The table will display the record types where multi-approval or public uploads have been enabled.
  5. Select the record type on which you want to apply the rule.
  6. In the File Type field, select the file type value that should trigger the URL generation.
  7. Enable the checkbox Generate Approval URL? to apply the rule for approval URL generation.

    This field will be disabled if the Multi-Approval feature is not enabled on the selected record type.
  8. Enable the checkbox Generate Public Upload URL? to apply the rule for pubic upload URL generation.

    This field will be disabled if the Public Upload feature is not enabled on the selected record type.
  9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 to apply the rules to additional record types.
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  10. Click Submit to save your settings.
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