Audience: Administrator


eXtendTech uses NetSuite's API Secrets functionality to create secure URLs for REST API calls. You must create an API Secret for the appropriate eXtendTech application during configuration of the application. 


To configure an API Secret for use with an eXtendTech application, see Use API Secrets From API Secret Manager in Scripts* for example steps on accessing the API Secret page.

* You must be logged in to NetSuite's SuiteAnswers to access this link.

API Secret for eXtendFiles

  1. Enter a name for the secret. It is recommended to use eXtendFiles API Secret as the name.
  2. The final ID of the API secret must be custsecret_extend_files_token_secret

    NetSuite will prefix "custsecret" to the ID you assign. Enter _extend_files_token_secret during the secret ID definition process to ensure the final ID is custsecret_extend_files_token_secret
  3. The password must be exactly 32 characters.
  4. On the restriction page, check the checkboxes "ALLOW FOR ALL SCRIPTS" and "ALLOW FOR ALL DOMAINS".