Version: eXtendFiles all versions
Audience: Administrator

Using NetSuite's native CSV Import tool, you can import eXtendFiles records which have associated links located in other backend storage locations into NetSuite (and attach them to your Entity, Transaction, Custom Records, etc.) so that those alternative backend storage URLs can easily be accessed via eXtendFiles records even if the files themselves weren't processed by eXtendFiles.

This can be useful when you have files stored in multiple locations (outside of the backend storage which is connected with eXtendFiles) or when you want to keep certain files restricted, but still have the file links available within NetSuite for users with direct permissions to the files.

1. Create a CSV file which contains the following information:
  • Name
  • File Name
  • File URL (this must be a hyperlink field starting with http:// or https:// and cannot contain un-encoded spaces as per NetSuite's native hyperlink field restrictions)
  • NetSuite Record Reference (either the exact name as listed in NetSuite or the Internal Id).
If you have other fields you wish to import, add them to this CSV file as well (File Type, Custom Fields, etc.).

Example below:
Image Placeholder

2. Navigate to NetSuite's Import CSV Records page at Setup Import/Export → Import CSV Records.

3. Select the Import Type as "Custom Records"Record Type as "eXtendFiles", and select your file from Step 1 for upload and click "Next".

Image Placeholder

4. On the Data Handling page, select "Addfor the import type, and under the Advanced Options make sure that the "Run Server Suitescript and Trigger Workflows" option is enabled and click "Next".

Image Placeholder
Image Placeholder

5. On the Field Mapping page, map your CSV fields to the NetSuite eXtendFiles fields and click "Next".

  • Name → Name
  • File Name → eXtendFiles - File Name
  • File URL → eXtendFiles - URL
  • NetSuite Record Reference → eXtendFiles - Original Transaction Note: The field reference will vary depending on the record against which the eXtendFiles record is being created, such as transaction, item, customer, and so on.
Image Placeholder

Note: set the NetSuite Record Reference to a Reference Type of either Names or Internal ID depending on the type of reference that you included in your CSV file. For the example file from Step one, we're going to set it to Names.

Image Placeholder

6. Save your CSV Import for future use by giving it a name and clicking the "Save & Run" button. In the future, instead of Step 2, you will navigate to Setup → Import/Export → Saved CSV Imports and select this saved import to skip the import configuration steps.

7. After your CSV Import is complete, the eXtendFiles records will be created in NetSuite.

Image Placeholder

Imported example from the CSV file in Step 1:
Image Placeholder

Note: if the File URL which is being imported into NetSuite isn't publicly accessible on the internet, the eXtendFiles Preview won't be able to automatically render a preview image.