Version: eXtendFiles all versions
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While eXtendFiles can be deployed to most native and custom record types, there are instances where it cannot be deployed to a specific target record type due to limitations or restrictions imposed by NetSuite. These limitations typically arise when the customized components of eXtendFiles cannot be fully implemented on the target record type due to certain NetSuite limitations.

At a high level, if NetSuite supports the following abilities on your record type, you can likely enable core eXtendFiles functionality:
  • Allows custom body fields to be created.
  • Allows the record type to be listed as a parent record to the eXtendFiles record.
  • Allows custom subtabs to be created.
  • Allows client script and user scripts to be deployed.
While not an exhaustive list, eXtendTech attempts to list known record types with deployment limitations in the table below.

Record Type
Standalone Upload
Inline Upload
Inline Link View
Public Upload
eXtendFiles Subtab
Limitation Notes
Bank Transfer
The Bank Transfer record does not support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Bank Transfer record doesn’t support adding Client Script or User Script deployments. These deployments are necessary to enable most eXtendFiles functionality.
The Class record doesn’t support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Class record doesn’t support listing its eXtendFiles reference as a parent record reference.

* The inline uploader is only supported in view mode. Edit mode is not available due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.

* Inline link view may fail to function in certain scenarios due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.
The Department record doesn’t support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Department record doesn’t support listing its eXtendFiles reference as a parent record reference.

* The inline uploader is only supported in view mode. Edit mode is not available due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.

* Inline link view may fail to function in certain scenarios due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.
Inbound Shipment
The Inbound Shipment record doesn’t support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Inbound Shipment record doesn’t support listing its eXtendFiles reference as a parent record reference.

The Inbound Shipment record has NetSuite UI limitations which prevent the inline uploader from being resized to better fit content.

The inline uploader is only supported in view mode. Edit mode is not available due to NetSuite UI limitations.

* On eXtendFiles 1.6.14 or higher, the Inline Link View works as it does on other record types. On eXtendFiles versions lower than 1.6.14, the Inbound Shipment record has NetSuite limitations which prevent the "Copy" button from being used on the inline link view. You can open the file's link, but the "Copy" button doesn't trigger.
Inventory Worksheet
An Inventory Worksheet can be linked with an eXtendFiles record, but eXtendFiles functionalities cannot be enabled on the Inventory Worksheet record itself.

The Inventory Worksheet record doesn’t support adding Client Script or User Script deployments. These deployments are necessary to enable most eXtendFiles functionality.
The Location record doesn’t support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Location record doesn’t support listing its eXtendFiles reference as a parent record reference.

* The inline uploader is only supported in view mode. Edit mode is not available due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.

* Inline link view may fail to function in certain scenarios due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.
eXtendFiles functionalities cannot be enabled on the message record as custom fields and custom subtabs can not be added to the record.
Request for Quote
A Request For Quote can be linked with an eXtendFiles record, but eXtendFiles functionalities cannot be enabled on the Request For Quote record itself.

The Request For Quote record doesn’t support adding Client Script or User Script deployments. These deployments are necessary to enable most eXtendFiles functionality.
The Subsidiary record doesn’t support the addition of custom subtabs.

The Subsidiary record doesn’t support listing its eXtendFiles reference as a parent record reference.

* The inline uploader is only supported in view mode. Edit mode is not available due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.

* Inline link view may fail to function in certain scenarios due to NetSuite Client Script deployment limitations.