Version: eXtendFiles all versions

Audience: Administrator

Using NetSuite's native Workflow functionality, you can easily send email notifications to a recipient when an eXtendFiles record is Approved or Rejected. See Using eXtendFiles' Approvals Features for more information on the file approvals feature.

In this sample, we'll be configuring a Workflow for use on the eXtendFiles record to send an email notification to the Sales Rep from the associated Sales Order when an eXtendFiles record is approved or rejected. Thanks to eXtendFiles' flexibility, your own Approval Response Workflow can use different associated records (e.g. Purchase Order instead of Sales Order) and email recipients depending on what record types eXtendFiles Approvals is being used within your account.

1. Navigate to Customization → Workflow → Workflows → New.
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2. Enter a Name and Description for your Workflow.

3. Set the Record Type to eXtendFiles
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4. In the Event Definition section, enable On View or Update, and set the Trigger Type to After Record Submit.
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5. Add a Condition (with Use Expressions enabled) to only trigger on eXtendFiles records where the following criteria is met:

(Old Record : eXtendFiles - Approved = F And eXtendFiles - Approved = T) 
(Old Record : eXtendFiles - Rejected = F And eXtendFiles - Rejected = T)

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Note: if you have additional criteria to add for when you want the notification to trigger (or exceptions where you do not want it to trigger), you can add them here.

6. Save the Workflow in the Release Status of Testing.

7. Edit the Workflow, and edit State 1.

8. Click the New Action button to define the Send Email action.
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9. Select the Send Email action and define the Sender, Recipient, and Email Template to use and click Save.

In this example we're sending the email from the eXtendTech Server user, sending the email to the Sales Rep on the eXtendFiles - Original Transaction, and using the eXtend - eXtendFiles Proof Response template which we created in advance using the instructions in Sample Email Template for eXtendFiles Approval Response.

Additional Notes:
  • You can add additional recipients to CC or BCC depending on your requirements.
  • The eXtendFiles - Original Transaction field is the record on which the eXtendFiles record was initially uploaded. There are additional record joins (e.g. eXtendFiles - Sales Order, eXtendFiles - Purchase Order, etc.) which are available as selections.

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10. Test your Workflow by Approving or Rejecting an eXtendFiles record to confirm everything works as expected, and set the Workflow's Release Status to Released for it to be active for other users.

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Additional Notes:
  • You can set additional Workflow Criteria to check if the recipient email address is empty and an email cannot be sent to them.