Version: and above
Audience: All


When navigating to a new eXtendFile record in NetSuite or when trying to upload a new eXtendFile, the image below is being shown in your drag and drop upload area.

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Existing eXtendFiles Installation

If you use eXtendFiles day-to-day and are usually able to upload files, this error generally appears when the eXtendFiles server is not able to authenticate to a NetSuite session.

Check to see if there are any system issues currently being report by NetSuite. When NetSuite is experiencing platform issues or its authentication service goes down, eXtendFiles will not be able to login and integrate with NetSuite until NetSuite service is restored.

After NetSuite service is restored, the normal drag-and-drop area will re-appear.

After Sandbox Refresh

Make sure that the eXtendFiles is reconfigured in Sandbox after Sandbox refresh. Sandbox Refresh eXtendApp Re-Configuration Process.

New eXtendFiles Installation

If eXtendFiles is new within your NetSuite account, installation may not yet be complete.

Have your NetSuite Administrator check if the SuiteSignOn configuration for eXtendFiles has been completed. Details regarding SuiteSignOn configuration is below.

Suite Sign on Configuration

For eXtendFiles to properly operate for external file operations, it will need to be configured with SuiteSignOn (SSO).

Note: Please make sure that the eXtendFiles Setup pages are configured within your NetSuite account prior to these troubleshooting steps.

1. Confirm that the SuiteSignOn feature is enabled in Setup → Enable Features → SuiteCloud → Manage Authentication → SuiteSignOn.

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2. Go to Setup → Integration → SuiteSignOn.

3. Find the eXtendTech Files SSO entry in the sublist, and copy the id (to be used in following steps).

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4. Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts.

5. Find the script file titled eXtendFiles User Event and view it.

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6. View the Deployments subtab and edit the eXtendFiles Records deployment.

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7. Click the Parameters subtab, and enter the eXtendTech Files SSO id from Step 3 into the eXtendTech Files SSO App Id field and click Save.

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8. Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts.

9. Find the script file titled eXtendFiles Suitelet and view it.

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10. View the Deployments for the script and edit the entry titled eXtendFiles Upload Modal.

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11. Click the Parameters subtab, and enter the eXtendTech Files SSO id from Step 3 into the eXtendTech Files SSO App Id. Also make sure that the parameter EXTENDTECH FILES SUITLET DEPLOYMENT is set to uploadframe. Save the deployment.

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If the SuiteSignOn configuration is configured properly in your account and is still displaying the NetSuite session validation failed message, please contact eXtendTech Support.