Version: eXtendFiles with Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage, or Oracle Cloud Object Storage
Audience: Administrator

Use Cases

  • Generating viewable/signed URLs for private files for sharing with external users.
  • Generating viewable/signed URLs for the original, preview, and thumbnail image links.
  • Generating viewable/signed URLs irrespective of file sharing permission restrictions.


eXtendFiles provides different methods for securing files. In some cases permissions are applied dynamically for logged in users, but in other cases you need the flexibility to generate links programmatically for sharing with an external audience.

eXtendFiles provides the workflow action script eXtendFiles Generate Signed URL to generate signed URLs with a predefined expiration time. This workflow action can be configured to respect security settings (i.e. only allow the user to generate signed URLs if the current user has the required permissions). Some of these use cases can be:

  1. Generation of signed URLs (URL, preview image, and thumbnail image) for external sharing.
  2. Automatic scheduled generation of signed URLs (URL, preview image, and thumbnail image) based on the eXtendFile record's File Type.
  3. Adding a button on the eXtendFiles record to generate signed URLs (URL, preview image, and thumbnail image).
One of the common use cases is to generate a short-lived thumbnail and then utilize it for PDF files on a linked transaction record. This requires some SuiteScript knowledge to programmatically fire the workflow using a scripted PDF button. Please contact eXtendTech Support if that is one of your requirements.

Note: If you want to generate signed URLs for your internal (NetSuite) users please review Configure eXtendFiles File Sharing Settings.

eXtendFiles Generate Signed URL

This workflow action script generates a signed URL and saves it in the eXtendFiles - Pre-signed URL field on the eXtendFiles record.

This workflow action script has the following script parameters.
  1. Validate user for generation
    This checkbox determines whether to validate the current user for generation of a signed URL. See sharing settings configuration for more details regarding user/roles and permissions with eXtendFiles.
  2. Signed URL validity (Seconds)
    The value specified here determines the validity of the signed URL. If this field is left empty, the validity of the signed URL will be determined by the time duration specified in the Expiry time for private URLs in Days on the eXtendFiles Setup page. We recommend that you keep this value as low as possible (depending on your use case) for security considerations.

    Note: Other supported formats for the expiry time are: 2days 3hours 6minutes 20seconds, 2day 3hour 6minute 20second, 2d 3h 6m 20s, 2days 3hours, 2day 3hour, 3hour 5minute, 2days, 2day, 3hours, 3hour, 5minutes, 5mins, 5min, 10seconds, 10sec, 10s.
  3. Generate Signed Preview URL
    If this checkbox is checked, a signed URL will be generated for the preview URL and it will be set in the eXtendFiles - Pre Signed Preview URL {custrecord_extend_file_prev_pre_sign_urlfield on the eXtendFiles record.

  4. Generate Thumbnail Signed URL
    If this checkbox is checked, a signed URL will be generated for the thumbnail URL and it will set in the eXtendFiles - Pre Signed Thumbnail URL {custrecord_extend_file_prev_pre_sign_urlfield on the eXtendFiles record.

    Note: This feature must be used if MAKE THUMBNAIL PRIVATE checkbox is checked on the eXtendFiles Setup page.

  5. Do Not Generate Original File Signed URL
    If this checkbox is checked, a signed URL for the original file will not be generated. This feature is useful if you are using separate workflows for generating signed URLs for the original file, preview image, and thumbnail image.

Additional Notes

  • There is a sample workflow included in eXtendFiles which utilizes the "eXtendFiles Generate Signed Url" custom workflow action. The included workflow is named "eXtendFiles Generate Signed Url[B]". We recommend creating a copy of this workflow and then customizing it for your environment. Some considerations when configuring it for your environment:
    • If you want the workflow to run on creation of eXtendFiles, edits of eXtendFiles, or both.
    • If you want the workflow to only run for certain file types or certain linked files.
    • How long you want signed links to be valid for.
    • If you want users to be validated or not.
    • If you want the workflow to run automatically, scheduled, or manually.