Version: eXtendFrame all versions
Audience: Administrator


This feature allows you to generate a link for resetting user passwords. Should a user need to reset their password, they must contact their NetSuite Administrator. The administrator will then provide a link that the user can use to reset their password. This feature is also useful when creating new users. The NetSuite Administrator can use this feature to share links with new users, allowing them to set their passwords.


The "eXtendFrame Password Reset UUID[B]" workflow incorporates the "eXtendFrame Password Reset UUID" action script, which generates password reset links. By default, the link created by this workflow will remain valid for 5 minutes. To establish links with longer validity, you'll need to make a new workflow and define the duration in the script parameters of the workflow action script.
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There are two ways to reset a user's password in eXtendFrame: manually for an individual user, or in bulk for several users. In both cases, once the password has been reset, the details will appear in the Reset Password field group on the user's eXtendFrame Users record. This includes the user's unique password reset link (field: PASSWORD RESET URL), as well as information on when the link was generated and its expiration date.
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Manual Password Reset for Single User

  1. Go to the eXtendFrame Users record for the user whose password you want to reset.
  2. Click the “Reset Password” button.
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  3. The Reset Password field group will update to show the password reset URL to send to the user along with when it expires.
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Bulk Password Reset for Multiple Users

If you need to generate password reset links for multiple users, or if you've created many user records and want to send them an email with a password reset link, follow these steps.
  1. Create a saved search against the “eXtendFrame Users” records for which you want to generate password reset links.
  2. Create a scheduled workflow using your saved search from #1. This workflow will run against the records that you’re wanting to create a password reset for.
  3. Use the custom workflow action script “eXtendFrame Password Reset UUID” as an action in your workflow. This workflow action script will generate a password reset link. Make sure to use “Before Submit” event type.
  4. By default, the expiration time of the generated link will be for 5 minutes, but you can set a longer duration in the “URL Expiry Time” script parameter if needed.
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  5. If you also want to automatically send an email to the associated user after generation of the password reset link, add a “Send Email” action to your workflow and include the field Password Reset URL {custrecord_extend_fn_u_pass_reset_url} in the email. This field will contain the password reset link.
  6. Schedule the workflow to run a single time.

Additional Notes

  • You have the ability to customize both the manual password reset and bulk password reset workflows according to your preferences. For instance, you could create your own manual password reset workflow to email the user a password reset link once it's generated.