Version: eXtendGrossProfit 1.0.8 and above
Audience: Administrator


eXtendGrossProfit enables the calculation of gross profit details on Estimates (Quotes) and Sales Orders. This can be done in real-time or through a scheduled update.

eXtendGrossProfit offers configuration options for selecting which item cost and item price transaction column fields will be used in the calculations.


Setup Configuration

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendGrossProfit  → Setup.
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2. Configure the fields per the descriptions below:
Field Number
Specify the column field id for the Item Cost field to be used for gross profit calculations on the Sales Order.
Specify the column field id for the Item Price to be used for gross profit calculations on the Sales Order.
Specify the column field id for the Item Cost to be used for gross profit calculations on the Estimate.
Specify the column field id for the Item Price to be used for gross profit calculations on the Estimate.
Specify the saved search id to be used for pulling the Estimate (Quote) and/or Sales Order records which need to be processed for gross profit calculation on a scheduled basis. The search should not pull old Estimate or Sales Orders for performance considerations. Leave the default search selected if you are not sure.

Note: For NetSuite OneWorld accounts, an additional field for "Base Currency" will be shown on the setup screen. This field is used to specify the Base Currency for gross profit calculations.

Custom Form Configuration

1. After eXtendGrossProfit has been installed, go to the custom transaction forms where you would like to add the Gross Profit fields.

2. Customize the form and go to the Screen Fields subtab.

3. If you’ve just installed eXtendGrossProfit, the fields will be at the bottom of the Custom subtab.

4. You can move the fields to whichever subtab / location that you prefer.

5. To enable the fields for use, make sure Show is checked, and the fields are changed from Inline Text to Normal – example below.

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6. To run the calculations, create a new Estimate (Quote) or Sales Order or edit an existing one. After line items have been entered, navigate to where you placed the eXtendGrossProfit fields on the form and click the Calculate Gross Profit button.

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7. Alternatively, the calculations can be run automatically on record save by defaulting or checking the eXtendTech Gross Profit Run on Save field.

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Script Deployments

For the eXtendGrossProfit functionality to operate, script deployments need to be created so that the necessary scripts are available and running. Note: these script deployments may already be in place, so check to see if they are already deployed in your environment prior to attempting to deploy them.
  1. eXtendTech Gross Profit Calculation UE
    1. Navigate to CustomizationScriptingScripts.
    2. Find the script titled eXtendTech Gross Profit Calculation UE and open it in view mode.
    3. This script will need to be deployed on each record type where it will be used (Estimate and/or Sales Order).
    4. Check the deployments list to confirm if the script deployment is already in place and released on your target record type.
    5. Deploy the script on the Applies To record type, with a Status of Released, and for All Roles as the Audience. Repeat this step for the Estimate and/or Sales Order.
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  2. eXtendTech Gross Profit Calculation CS
    1. Navigate to CustomizationScriptingScripts.
    2. Find the script titled eXtendTech Gross Profit Calculation CS and open it in view mode.
    3. This script will need to be deployed on each record type where it will be used (Estimate and/or Sales Order).
    4. Check the deployments list to confirm if the script deployment is already in place and released on your target record type.
    5. Deploy the script on the Applies To record type, with a Status of Released, and for All Roles as the Audience. Repeat this step for the Estimate and/or Sales Order.
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Batch Update Feature

The batch update feature allows updating all Sales Orders (meeting the criteria of an associated saved search) with eXtendGrossProfit.

On Demand Batch Update

To trigger the batch update, go to Setup → eXtendGrossProfit → Sales Order Job Runner.
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Scheduled Batch Update

For the scheduled batch update, you will create a new script deployment for the eXtendTech Gross Profit Map/Reduce script. Then you will schedule this deployment according to the schedule you'd like to use.

Note: check that this hasn't already been created and scheduled prior to creating an additional script deployment.

1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and find and open the eXtendTech Gross Profit Map/Reduce script.
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2. Create a new scheduled script deployment.
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Currency Consideration Logic

NetSuite's Multiple Currencies feature must be enabled to utilize eXtendGrossProfit with multiple currencies.

Note: When using eXtendGrossProfit in a Multiple Currencies account, users must have View access the Lists → Currency permission to run gross profit calculations and perform exchange rate lookups.

OneWorld Accounts

a. The currency on the item line level will have the highest priority for GP calculation.

b. If the currency is not available at the line level, then the Base Currency of the Subsidiary of the Customer selected on the transaction will be considered for GP calculation.

c. If the line items have multiple currencies on them, then the currency exchange rate calculations will be done based on the Sales Order's transaction date (trandate) for performing an exchange rate API lookup.

d. The final GP calculation will be performed in the customer's subsidiary's Base Currency which is selected on the transaction.

Note: When using eXtendGrossProfit in a OneWorld account, users must have View access the Lists → Subsidiaries permission to run gross profit calculations.

Non-OneWorld Accounts

a. The currency mentioned on the item line level will have highest priority for GP calculation.

b. If the currency is not available at the line level, then the Base Currency specified on the eXtendGrossProfit Setup page will be considered for GP calculation.

c. If the line items have multiple currencies on them, then the currency exchange rate calculations will be done based on the Sales Order's transaction date (trandate) for performing exchange rate API lookup.

d. The final GP calculation will be performed in the Base Currency specified in the eXtendGrossProfit Setup.