Version: eXtendItem 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator

The Vendor Credential record lets you configure the connection details for eXtendItem vendors so that you can take advantage of features such as vendor pricing, inventory, and purchasing.

Prerequisites to creating eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds records
Before creating Vendor Creds records you must have following records created in your NetSuite account:

Vendor Cred record creation:
  1. Navigate to your vendor record
  2. Under the eXtendItemDB subtab view the eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds sublistImage Placeholder
  3. Click New eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds
  4. Select the appropriate form based on the vendor
    Image Placeholder
  5. S&S Activewear Form: When you select this form, fields related to S&S Activewear will appear
    Image Placeholder
    1. Name: Specify a name for this vendor creds record
    2. NS Vendor: This field will auto populate with the the vendor record that you clicked New eXtendItemDB Vendor Creds on
    3. Sourcing Vendor: Select the sourcing vendor for which you are creating this vendor creds record
    4. Vendor Code: Specify the vendor code as received from the vendor
    5. Host Name: Specify the host name for the web services APIs as received from the vendor
    6. User Name: Specify the username provided by the vendor
    7. Password: Specify the password provided by the vendor
    8. Email: Specify the email of the selected source vendor
    9. Test Order: Please refer to Print Enable/Disable Test Mode for S&S Activewear for more details on the Test Order feature
  6. PromoStandards Form: When you select this form, fields related to PromoStandards will appear. Specify values for the fields shown below for the PromoStandards endpoint(s) and credentials from your vendor:
    Image Placeholder
    1. Depending on the PromoStandards service provided by the vendor, you will receive one or more endpoints and their associated credentials from your supplier/vendor
    2. Credentials & Endpoints Fields:
      1. General
        1. Name
        2. Inactive
        3. NS Vendor
        4. Sourcing Vendor
        5. User Name
        6. Password
        7. PromoStandards Vendor - The PromoStandards endpoints will be auto-populated after you select the corresponding PROMO VENDOR. If the endpoints provided by your vendor are different from the auto-populated values, then you can edit them manually. By default, all the endpoints for the selected PromoStandards Supplier will be populated as they have listed on the website. Note: you can only access services for which your vendor has granted access
        8. PromoStandards Country Code**
        9. PromoStandards Language Code**
        10. Vendor Code
      2. Inventory Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Inventory End Point
        2. PromoStandards Inventory Version
        3. PromoStandards Inventory Allow Namespace*
      3. Order Status Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Order Status Endpoint
        2. PromoStandards Order Status Version
        3. PromoStandards Order Status Allow Namespace*
      4. Order Shipment Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Order Shipment Notification End Point
        2. PromoStandards Order Shipment Notification Version
        3. PromoStandards OSN Do Not Allow Namespace*
      5. Product Data Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Product End Point
        2. PromoStandards Product Version
        3. PromoStandards Product Do Not Allow Namespace*
      6. Pricing & Configuration Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Product Pricing Configuration End Point
        2. PromoStandards Product Pricing Configuration Version
        3. PromoStandards Product Pricing Allow Namespace*
      7. Product Media Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Media Content End Point
        2. PromoStandards Media Content Version
        3. PromoStandards Media Do Not Allow Namespace*
      8. Purchase Order Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Purchase Order End Point
        2. PromoStandards Purchase Order Version
      9. Invoice Endpoints
        1. PromoStandards Invoice End Point
        2. PromoStandards Invoice Version
For some vendors, the endpoints they host may require namespace information.  You can add / remove namespaces using a configuration checkbox on the vendor record and associated service.

** If you want to change the localization country code or language code, you can do so by specifying it in the field “PROMO LOCALIZATION COUNTRY” or “PROMO LANGUAGE CODE”. By default, these values will be set as “US” and “EN”.

Note: These values are case sensitive, so if your vendor is using these values in lower case then you will have to specify these values here in lower case.