Version: eXtendJobs 2.0.1
Audience: Administrator


This article provides details on the custom record, custom transaction, and custom workflows associated with the eXtendJobs and WIP processes.

The eXtendJobs custom record type is automatically linked to all body and columns of related transactions that stem from a starting Sales Order. This unified linkage across all related NetSuite records facilitates the calculation of a true sales order-based gross profit and accommodates deferred expense recognition (i.e., holding costs in an asset account until the revenue recognition event occurs).

The eXtendJobs Cost Recognition custom transaction record type is automatically created once all applicable costs have been recorded and the revenue recognition event has occurred.

Below is a complete list of workflows and workflow action scripts included in the eXtendJobs application:


 Record Type 
 eXtendJobs GP Calculate [B]
This workflow adds a button, [Calculate GP], to the eXtendJobs record. When executed, it performs a gross profit calculation.
eXtendJobs - Add Ref From Parent [B]
This workflow adds the eXtendJobs reference on child transactions if its Parent has an  eXtendJobs reference.
eXtendJobs - Cost Recognition Total [B]
This workflow will set the total amount of the cost recognition record in the field eXtendJobs - Total Amount (Static).
eXtendJobs - CR Status Update [B]
This workflow will update the status for linked eXtendJobs Cost Recognition custom transaction upon deleting the invoice records.
eXtendJobs - Create CR [B]
This workflow executes during invoice creation to create an eXtendJobs Cost Recognition record.
eXtendJobs - Gen & Ref Create Mode [B] 
This workflow will create the eXtendJobs record and set its reference on the transaction body field.
eXtendJobs - Gen & Ref Edit Mode [B]
This workflow will set the eXtendJobs reference from the body field reference to the column field reference.
eXtendJobs - Set PO Lot Number [B]
This workflow will set the Lot Number on Purchase Order records.
eXtendJobs - Set SO Ref [B]
This workflow will update the transaction reference on eXtendJobs Record.
eXtendJobs - Set WIP Clearing Amount [B]
This workflow will be used for adding a button on eXtendJobs record to create commission transaction.
Note: All of the workflows mentioned above are bundle workflows and are annotated with a [B] suffix. We recommend copying these workflows and naming them with a [L] or [LIVE] suffix. Then, set the bundle workflows to "Not running".

Workflow Action Scripts

 eXtendJob Cost Recognition
 eXtendJob Cost Recogs Update Stat
To update the eXtendJob Cost Recognition status for transaction record upon deleting the invoice record.
 eXtendJob Create GP
This script calculates GP and update eXtendJobs record with calculated GP values.
 eXtendJob Reference Body To Col
Set the eXtendJob value from body to column field.
 eXtendJob Set Lot Number On PO
 To set the Lot Number on the PO records.
 eXtendJob Set Transaction Ref
This script allows the user to set transaction reference on eXtendJob Record.
 eXtendJob Wip Clearing Amount

Saved Searches

eXtendJobs - Cost From Fulfillment Search [B]
This saved search identifies any costs associated with item fulfillment transactions. 
eXtendJobs - Cost Reco Total Cost [B]
This saved search identifies all costs from any associated eXtendJobs tagged transactions.
eXtendJobs - Cost Recogni Amount Update [B]
The purpose of this saved search is to identify any changes in costs associated with an eXtendJobs record.
eXtendJobs - Realize Revenue & Cost Recognition [B]
The purpose of this saved search is to identify any purchase side transactions (POs, item receipts or vendor invoices).
eXtendJobs - Search for GP Calculate[B]
This saved search is used to identify all types of transactions linked via eXtendJobs to be considered in the job's gross profit calculation. 
eXtendJobs - WIP Clearing Amount Item Fulfillment [B]
This search identifies any posting item fulfillment transactions that need to be cleared from WIP.
 eXtendJobs - WIP Clearing Amount Transaction [B]
This search identifies any posting transactions that need to be cleared from WIP.
Note: All of the saved searches mentioned above are bundle saved searches and are annotated with a [B] suffix. We recommend copying these saved searches and naming them with a [L] or [LIVE] suffix.