Use Case
- Initializing a NetSuite Workflow using a button
within a view function.
- Reproducing NetSuite Workflow button
actions within eXtendMobile
- Required Role Permissions: The necessary permissions will need to be applied to the eXtendMobile Server role (used in creating the M2M credentials), go to Setup → Integration → Manage Authentication → OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials (M2M) Setup. All M2M credentials created in your account will be listed here. Locate the credentials for eXtendMobile, and check the role applied to it. This is the role to which you need to apply the following permissions (if not already added):
- Permission: Setup →
- "Full" permission for the record
type of the view function where
you want to add a button to
trigger a workflow.
- Permission: Setup →
- Workflow Creation: Create a new workflow based on the original workflow applied to the record that you are wanting to reproduce in eXtendMobile. This new workflow should have the following characteristics:
- The Release Status must be "Not
- Do not add an "Add Button" action,
as it will be triggered directly
and isn't necessary to
- Since you currently cannot display
the button conditionally in the
eXtendMobile function, ensure all
required criteria are applied
directly in the workflow.
- Use "Before Record Submit"
- The Release Status must be "Not
To configure the button in eXtendMobile,
follow the steps below:
Log in as an eXtendMobile Admin user in either the mobile app or eXtendMobile Web.
Go to the function where you want to add the workflow button, then open it in edit mode.
In the eXtendMobile app, you will see a button called Initialize Workflow on the main function details page. On eXtendMobile Web, this button is under the Advanced Settings section.
- In the eXtendMobile app, a page
will open where you can add
workflow details using the
floating add (+) icon.
On eXtendMobile Web, clicking this button opens a modal where you can specify workflow details.
Select the workflow you want to trigger using the button under the field Select Workflow.
Only non-initiating workflows applied to the current function's record type will appear in the list.
In the field Button Label, specify the button label that will appear on the function.
If needed, you can add multiple workflow trigger buttons. Repeat the above steps to add more buttons.
After setting up the workflow details, save the settings.
When you execute the function, you will see a button on your function. For example, in the use case below, the button was added with the name Approve Order, and clicking this button will update the status of the Sales Order to approved using the configured NetSuite workflow.