Version: eXtendMobile 1.12.769 and above
Audience: eXtendMobile Admin


eXtendMobile Admins can control the visibility of inventory details to show them only on relevant items. Through conditional display settings, you can specify which items should display inventory detail information.


eXtendMobile App

  1. Edit the function where your inventory details are to be conditionally displayed
  2. Navigate to the item sublist and add the Is Bin Item and Is Lot Item fields below manually. These fields are not available in the field list and need to be manually defined.

    1. Is Bin Item
      1. Open the fields list
      2. Click the + icon present in the bottom right to add a field
        Image Placeholder
      3. A page will open to add field manually
        Image Placeholder
      4. Specify the values shown below
        Image Placeholder
    2. Is Lot Item
      1. Follow steps a to b as done in previous section
      2. Specify values as shown below 

  3. Navigate to inventory details field and add field display rules for the following fields 
    1. Serial/Lot Number
      Image Placeholder
    2. Bin Number
      Image Placeholder
  4. Save your changes

eXtendMobile Web

  1. Edit the function where your inventory details are to be conditionally displayed
  2. Navigate to the item sublist and add the Is Bin Item and Is Lot Item fields below manually. These fields are not available in the field list and need to be manually defined.
    1. Is Bin Item
      1. Field Id: isbinitem
      2. Field Label: Is Bin Item
      3. Field Search Id: isbinitem
      4. Field Type: CHECKBOX
        Image Placeholder
    2. Is Lot Item
      1. Field Id: islotitem
      2. Field Label: Is Lot Item
      3. Field Search Id: islotitem
      4. Field Type: CHECKBOX
        Image Placeholder
  3. Navigate to inventory details field and add field display rules for the following fields 
    1. Serial/Lot Number
      Image Placeholder
  4. Save your changes