The item sublist does not automatically calculate the amount based on the item rate and quantity.
You can use the Dynamic Formula Fields feature to resolve this issue. Please see Dynamic Formula Fields for information regarding the configuration of this feature.
Is it possible to configure a field to source data from another field in the same way as NetSuite does?
To source data for the current field from another field, add the source field to the Sourcing Field field in the current field's configuration details.
I am unable to view all the options for my dropdown (Select/Multi-Select Select) field.
For Select fields with more than 1,000 options, the options will not appear unless the source record for the select field is configured on the field details. For more information about this option, please
I am receiving 'invalid nlobjSearchColumn' errors when executing a function.
Sometimes, the search field ID for a field can be different than its original ID, which can cause errors. To resolve this, go to your function and look for the field with the incorrect ID. It will be highlighted in red. Check the correct search ID of that field using the
NetSuite Records Browser* and update it accordingly.
* This document's link to the NetSuite Records Browser is for the latest version, NetSuite 2024.1 as of the document's writing. For the most up-to-date Records Browser, please refer to NetSuite's SuiteAnswers.
Do eXtendMobile app users require active NetSuite licenses to use the eXtendMobile app?
Using the eXtendMobile app does not require a NetSuite license to be assigned to the user. All eXtendMobile app users will be authenticated through a single account configured for eXtendMobile during the initial installation and configuration process.
Can eXtendMobile Users records be imported into NetSuite in bulk?
Yes. Using NetSuite's CSV Import functionality, eXtendMobile Users records can be imported into NetSuite in bulk.
Can I select/copy text from a field which has a linked function?
To select the text of a field with a linked function, press and hold the field's value. This will bring up a bottom sheet, as shown in the screenshot below, from which you can select and copy the text value.
How can I view the values of a multiselect field in a view function?
Similar to select fields, if you long-press on a value in a multiselect field, a bottom sheet will appear displaying the currently selected options, as shown in the screenshot below.
The text field value is truncated. How can I view the whole value?
In view or read-only mode, you can scroll vertically in a text field to view the entire value.
What happens if a field is hidden by a field display rule and is also marked as mandatory?
eXtendMobile will not consider hidden fields for mandatory field validation. Additionally, data from hidden fields will not be sent to NetSuite upon submission.