SuiteApp Version: 1.11 and above
Mobile App Version: 1.11 and above
Audience: Administrator, User

Use Case

  • Adding sublists in your eXtendMobile functions.
  • Entry of sublist details.


eXtendMobile allows you to add a sublist to the functions that add, update, or delete sublist data on a record. Currently, only one sublist can be added per function, and sublists can be added in create, update, view, and transform functions.

This article will guide you on adding a sublist to a form and specifying its properties.

Adding Sublist to Form

When adding fields on your function's form, you will come across fields with an icon similar to the below:
Image Placeholder

This icon indicates whether the field is a sublist or not.

For example, if you want to add an address book sublist to a customer function, then…

  1. Tap the field name Addressbook.

  2. After the sublist has been added, it will appear as shown below:
    Image Placeholder

  3. To add fields to the sublist, tap the sublist card.

  4. To add fields to the sublist, use the add (+) button, which functions similarly to adding form fields.

  5. After adding the desired fields, tap Save to save your configuration.

Sublist Details

Similar to field details, sublists also have their own detailed configurations.

To view all the available options of the sublist, swipe the sublist tile to the right.

  1. Create Functions
    Sublist options available in Create functions are shown below:
    Image Placeholder

    1. Hide
      Enable this option to hide the sublist upon function execution.

    2. Mandatory
      Enable this option to make sublist mandatory. This means that in order to submit the form, the user will need to add at least one sublist entry. Otherwise, an error will be shown.

    3. Details
      This option will show the details of the sublist field. This will open a new page and show the field ID, field label, and field search ID for the sublist. You can update the field label and field search ID among these options as per your requirements.
      Image Placeholder

    4. Read Only
      Enable this option if you want to display sublists as read-only. No edits will be allowed in this case.

    5. Don't Send To NetSuite
      Enable this option if you do not want to send the updates made to the sublist to NetSuite.

    6. Show Save All and New
      Enable this option if you want to show the Save All and New button on the sublist. This button will save the sublist data, submit the function, and reopen the current function.

    7. Show Save All and Submit
      Enable this option if you want to show the Save All and Submit button on the sublist. This button will save the sublist data and submit the function.

    8. Clear
      Tapping this option will clear all of the fields added to the sublist.

  2. Update Functions
    The sublist options available in Update functions are shown below:Image Placeholder

    1. Please refer to the field details mentioned in Create Functions above as all of the options in Update Functions are the same.

  3. View Functions
    In View Functions, only the details option will be available. The behavior of the details option is the same as in the Create Functions above.

  4. Transform Functions
    The sublist options available in Transform functions are shown below:
    Image Placeholder
    1. Please refer to the field details mentioned in Create Functions above as all of the options in Transform Functions are the same.