Center Links Creation
To start creating center links for eXtendMultifulfillment, go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts, open the eXtendMultiFulfillment Suitelet, and click the Deployments subtab.
eXtendMultiFulfillment Setup
Open the eXtendMultiFulfillment Setup deployment and create a center link as shown in the screenshot below.
Upload Multifulfillment Sheet
Open the eXtendMultiFulfillment CSV/Excel Upload deployment and create a link as shown in the screenshot below.eXtendMultiFulfillment Job Runner
Open the eXtendMultiFulfillment Job Runner deployment and create a link as shown in the screenshot below.To create links for eXtendDataUpload, go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts, open the eXtendDataUpload Suitelet, and click the Deployments subtab.
Item Fulfillment Upload Sheet
Open the eXtendDataUpload fulfillment deployment and create a link as shown in the screenshot below.Item Fulfillment Update Sheet
Open the eXtendDataUpload Tracking deployment and create a link as shown in the screenshot below.
After applying the center links as described above, the links will be populated under the eXtendTech center tab as shown below: