Version: 1.0.1
Audience: Administrator
Vendor/Customer: Customer

eXtendNS2NS Configuration

Navigate to Customization  eXtendNS2NS Customer  Setup.

Image Placeholder

  1. Vendor Bill Status - The selected status will be set on all the bills generated using NS2NS integration.
    Note: If the status is other than Pending Approval, your bill record will not be updated if updated invoice response is received against the created bill record.
  2. Markup Item - The selected item will be used to show the difference between the original PO record amount and the net amount received in invoice response record. This item will only be added when the main items received in invoice response record doesn't match with the items of PO record.
  3. Placeholder Tax Item - The selected item will be used to show the tax items received in invoice response record on the created bill record.
  4. Placeholder Ship Item - The selected item will be used to show the ship items received in invoice response record on the created bill record.
  5. Placeholder Discount Item - The selected item will be used to show the discount items received in invoice response record on the created bill record.
  6. Body Level Tolerance - The body level amount tolerance to create the bill record from the incoming Invoice response data.
    Note: This will support only two types of data, one is percentage and second is currency amount.
    1. For percentage please specify the value with % e.g., 2%. This value must be between 0% to 100%.
    2. For currency amount please specify only numeric value 2. This value must be a positive number.
  7. Line Level Tolerance - The line level amount tolerance to create the bill record from the incoming Invoice response data.
    Note: This will support only two types of data, one is percentage and second is currency amount.
    1. For percentage please specify the value with % e.g., 2%.
    2. For currency amount please specify only numeric value 2.
  8. Exclude Tax & Ship From Tolerance - If this checkbox is checked then the shipping & tax amounts will be excluded from the invoice response total amount for calculation of tolerance with PO amount.
  9. Set Reference No. With Invoice Number - If this checkbox is checked then the invoice number which is received in the invoice response record will be used as bill record's reference number.
  10. Stop Invoice Response Update - If this checkbox is checked then the invoice records will not get updated even if a new invoice response data is received from vendor.