Version: eXtendOrders 2.1.0
Audience: Administrator, User

By default, eXtendOrders is configured using the Distributor edition. To enable the Supplier edition, navigate to the eXtendOrders Setup page at eXtendTech eXtendOrders Setup from an Administrator role and enable the "IS SUPPLIER EDITION" setting.

Image Placeholder

The examples below show some of the differences between the Supplier edition and the Distributor edition.

  1. Cost, Price and GP% fields
    In the Distributor edition, the Cost, Price, and GP% fields will be shown on item picker, surcharge item picker, and imprint surcharge picker modals. In the Supplier edition these fields will not be shown.

    Item Modal in Distributor editionImage Placeholder

    Item Modal in Supplier edition
    Image Placeholder

    Main Item Details Configuration in Supplier edition
    If you still wish to show the Cost, Price, and GP% fields on surcharge items and imprint surcharges in the Supplier edition, the "Display Surcharge Cost/Price" and "Display Imprint Surcharge Cost/Price" settings can be enabled in your eXtendOrders settings.
    1. When disabled:

      Surcharge Item Picker
      Image Placeholder

      Surcharge Item Modal View
      Image Placeholder

      Imprint Surcharge Picker
      Image Placeholder

      Imprint Surcharge Item Modal View
      Image Placeholder

    2. When enabled:

      Surcharge Item Picker 
      Image Placeholder

      Surcharge Item Modal View
      Image Placeholder

      Imprint Surcharge Item Picker
      Image Placeholder

      Imprint Surcharge Item Modal View
      Image Placeholder

  2. Available Quantity field
    In the Supplier edition, the Available Quantity will be shown in the main item modal and in the Configurator UI, but it will not be shown in the Distributor edition.

    : To display the applicable quantity value in the field, add the "Available" results column to the saved search that has been configured in the "MAIN ITEM VENDOR SAVED SEARCH ID" field in the eXtendOrders Setup's Saved Searches subtab.

    1. In Supplier edition

      Configurator UIImage Placeholder

      Main Item Modal
      Image Placeholder
  3. Setup Sell Rate, Run Sell Rate, and Add. Run Sell Rate
    In the Supplier edition, the Sell Rate for setup and run charges will not be shown in the Deco Configurator UI.

    In the Distributor edition, the sell rates will be shown in the Deco Configurator UI.
    1. In Supplier EditionImage Placeholder
    2. In Distributor EditionImage Placeholder

  4. Y-UOM
    In the Supplier edition, you can use Y-UOM in the decoration information which is not available in Distributor edition. See How to setup imprint configuration for embroidery for more details regarding Y-UOM configuration and flow.
  5. Source Main Item Pricing, Source Surcharge Item Pricing, Source Imprint Surcharge Item Pricing, Source Charge Item Pricing
    In the Distributor edition, you can can customer-specific pricing from items, surcharge items, imprint surcharge items, and charge items based on customer price level and quantity-based pricing.
    Image Placeholder