Version: eXtendOrders and above
Audience: Administrator


The Order Description feature lets you customize the order description on your sales order's line items so that it can flow to purchase orders with relevant notes for the purchase order's vendor. For example: You may want to communicate the inbound shipment date and the blank vendor(s) to a decorator purchase order and then later show in on the printed purchase order. This allows a decorator vendor to know what items to expect, when to expect them, and which blank vendor(s) the items are coming from for an order which they are decorating.

The order description is recorded on the Setup line item(s) and flows into purchase order's Setup line item(s).


  • The order description is available asynchronously, meaning it may not be immediately available after saving the sales order. This is because it needs time to process the information. Timing is depending on your NetSuite account and available script concurrency.
  • If the sales order does not have an eXtendOrders V2V Decorator specified, the description may not generate.
  • If the order has been fulfilled or if it is closed, the description will not update if changes are made.
  • From eXtendOrders version 2.1.11, the order description flow is also supported for purchase order to purchase order (PO to PO) order flows.


1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendOrders → Order Description Setup. The initial/recommend configuration is below:

2. Description Config: This allows you to specify the template to be used for the order description.

The following fields are accessible within the Description Config template.

  1. {{item.fieldId}} corresponds to blank item fields.
  2. {{line.fieldId}} corresponds to line item fields of blank items.
  3. {{po.fieldId}} corresponds to Purchase Order fields of blank items.
  4. {{oic.fieldId}} corresponds to Order Imprint Configuration fields of the Decoration Cluster.
  5. {{modal.fieldId}} corresponds to Modal fields.
    Available Modal field ids : itemName, vendorId, vendorName, quantity, description, cost, price, color, gp.
Note: Data specified before <<for>> will be printed only once, whereas data inside <<for>> and <<endfor>> will be printed for all the blank items.

If you want to use a different field value when a field value is empty, use <<{{fieldA}}::{{fieldB}}>>, where the value of fieldB will be used if fieldA is empty.

Example Order Description Template:
On {{po.custbody_extend_v2vshipdate}} {{line.povendor}} will ship PO# {{po.tranid}} containing:
<<for>> Qty: {{line.quantity}} of {{item.displayname}} {{item.custitem_extend_itemsizes_text}} {{item.custitem_extend_itemcolors_text}}<<endfor>>

3. Sales Order Description Field: Specify the line item field id where the order description will be stored on the sales order.

4. Purchase Order Description Field: Specify the line item field id where the order description will be stored on the purchase order.

5. Description Length: Specify the maximum character length allowed for the fields in the sales order description and purchase order description fields. This will help prevent field limit exceeded errors when you encounter a template configuration that can cause errors on extremely large orders.