Version: eXtendOrders and above
Audience: Administrator


eXtendOrders includes the Copy Order function, which ensures that your Order Imprint Configuration (OIC) records are copied over to the new record. In contrast, the native NetSuite Make Copy function does not retain those records. This feature is useful when you want to transfer your OIC records to the new record for further editing.


To enable the Copy Order button on your Estimate (Quote) or Sales Order record, follow the steps below.

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendOrders → Setup.

2. Enable the Sales Order and/or Quote option(s) within the Show Copy Order Button On Transactions field.
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Note: In some cases, when copying an Estimate or Sales Order with eXtendOrders' Copy Order button, the item's PO Rate value is not sourced by NetSuite on the resulting record's line items.

To workaround this NetSuite sourcing issue, the IS COPY PO RATE override is provided. When enabled, the PO Rate is copied to the line items from the associated OIC record's item cost, and the Cost Estimate Type is set to Custom on all line items.

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3. Submit the page to save your changes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it possible to rename or relabel the 'Copy Order’ button?

A: At this time it is not possible to rename or relabel the 'Copy Order' button.

Q: Is it possible to show the 'Copy Order’ button on estimate or sales orders meeting particular criteria?

A: Currently, it isn't possible to display the 'Copy Order' button on a specific subset of estimate or sales order records. The button can be enabled or disabled for all estimates or all sales orders but cannot be shown on only certain estimates or sales orders.