Version: eXtendOrders and above
Audience: All


eXtendOrders allows you to configure how the number of setups and runs are calculated for an Imprint Method in the configurator UI.

The calculations for the number of setup and runs charges are managed using the "eXtendOrders IMC Setup & Runs Calc" custom record.

This record is used to define the rules for calculating imprint charges.

It is also used to calculate and generate the quantities for imprint charges based on the specified Imprint Method, Imprint Location, and number of Colors during the deco order configuration process.

Record Creation

1. Go to eXtendTech → eXtendOrders → IMC Setups and Run Config → New.

2. There are three fields in this record as listed below:
  1. Name
    Name of the calculation record.
  2. Imprint Method
    Imprint Method against which this calculation record will be associated.
  3. Calculation Method
    Calculation logic to be applied. There are three distinct calculation methods which can be selected as listed below: 
  • Per Location Only – This option will calculate the imprint charges quantities based on the # of Locations.  
  • Per Color Only – This option will calculate imprint charges quantities based on the # of Colors
  • Per Location Per Color – This option will calculate imprint charges quantities based on the # of Locations and the # of Colors specified on the deco section on item configurator modal. 
For example: In the example below, the location quantity will always be 1, as decorations are applied on individual locations. Let's consider the Main Item quantity is 24, and there are 3 colors. The imprint charges quantity for the different calculation methods will be as follows:
  1. Per Location Only
    1. Setup #: Location # (e.g., 1)
    2. 1st Run #: (Location # * Main Item Quantity) / Location # (e.g., (1*24)/1 = 24)
    3. Additional run charge #: (Location # * Main Item Quantity) - 1st Run # (e.g., (1*24)-24 = 0)
  2. Per Color Only
    1. Setup #: Color # (e.g., 3)
    2. 1st Run #: (Color # * Main Item Quantity) / Color # (e.g., (3*24)/3 = 24)
    3. Additional run charge #: (Color # * Main Item Quantity) - 1st Run # (e.g., (3*24)-24 = 48)
  3. Per Location Per Color
    1. Setup #: (Color # * Location #) (e.g., (3 * 1) = 3)
    2. 1st Run #: (Color # * Location # * Main Item Quantity) / (Color # * Location #) (e.g., (324) / (31) = 24)
    3. Additional run charge #: (Color # * Location # * Main Item Quantity) - 1st Run # (e.g., (3124)-24 = 48)
Note: If a calculation record is not present for an imprint method, then the Per Location Per Color method will be used for calculation of charge items' quantity.