Version: eXtendOrders 1.0.0 and above, eXtendOrders 2.0.0 and above
Audience: Administrator, User (with Items:Edit permissions)
The items available for selection in the item surcharge or imprint surcharge lists in eXtendOrders can be configured at the item level. To add or remove an item from the respective surcharge list, a field on the item record will be enabled or disabled.
To add or remove an item from the item surcharge or imprint surcharge list:
- Create or edit the item you're wanting to add as a surcharge.
- Locate the EXTEND - IMPRINT SURCHARGE and EXTEND - ITEM SURCHARGE fields.Note: in eXtendOrders 1.0 this is usually on the Custom subtab. In eXtendOrders 2.0 this is usually on the eXtendOrders subtab. The placement of the fields on your custom form may vary.
- Set the EXTEND - IMPRINT SURCHARGE and EXTEND - ITEM SURCHARGE fields as enabled or disabled depending on your requirements and save the item record. Those updates will then be reflected in the surcharge lists in eXtendOrders.

Important Note About Item Types
While Other Charge for Resale and Service for Resale items can be added to a Purchase Order in NetSuite, NetSuite doesn't support them on drop ship/special order purchase orders. For this reason, we recommend creating charge and surcharge items as Non-Inventory for Resale, which can be used on drop ship/special order purchase orders.