
  • Introduced a scripted hook to manage the order splitting process for Purchase Orders when the configured source order is also a Purchase Order.
    • If this new scripted hook is not implemented, the behavior remains the same.
  • Implemented a scripted hook to prevent the setting of the order description on both blank and setup lines on a decorator Purchase Order.
    • If this new scripted hook is not implemented, the behavior remains the same.
  • Implemented a scripted hook to handle situations when the ship note field exceeds 4000 characters.


  • Enabled the order description to flow to the Purchase Order description when the configured source order is a Purchase Order.
  • Enabled setting the order description on decorator Purchase Order setup lines if the configured blank vendor and decorator vendors are the same.
  • Prevented Purchase Order splitting if the configured source order is a Purchase Order and the eXtend - Consolidated Vendor PO field is checked on the Purchase Order.
  • Resolved an issue where editing a configured order through the configurator UI resulted in a new cluster being added and replaced by the data of the first cluster.