Version: 1.0.0
Audience: User

Use Case

  • Creating package details for item fulfillment records.
  • Using eXtendPack modal.
  • Auto-generating package details.


eXtendPack app enables you to specify package details on item fulfillment records for shipping orders using Ship-Engine. It also enables you to automate the package creation process and shipping orders using Ship-Engine.
In this article, you will learn how to use these features.

Using eXtendPack Modal

On your item fulfillment record, you will find a button named Specify Item Package Details as per the form configuration done by your administrator. Follow the below steps for specifying package information using eXtendPack modal - 
  1. Click on the button Specify Item Package Details.
  2. eXtendPack modal will open as shown in the below screenshot -Image Placeholder
  3. When you open the modal for the first time it will show the very first line item under package 1 group as shown in above screenshot.
  4. You can add, delete or copy package group and items using the action buttons as shown in the below screenshot - 

    Image Placeholder
  5. Once you specify all the items then you can click on done button which will generate the package information as per the data entered by you.
  6. If you want to distribute all the items evenly on the package groups then specify the box size under box size field and then click on the Auto Pack button to create package groups.

    Image Placeholder

    Image Placeholder
  7. Once the auto pack button is clicked the modal will be updated with multiple package groups with items evenly distributed in them.

    Image Placeholder
  8. Click on the done button to generate the package information.

Auto Generating Package Information


  • Configuring item records - In order to auto source units per pack on transaction line you will need to specify the value for units per pack under item field - eXtendPack Units Per Pack {custitem_extend_pack_units_per_pack}
  • Specifying units per pack on item fulfillment item lines - For auto-pack functionality you will need to specify values under item field Units Per Pack {custcol_extend_pack_units_per_pack}. In general this field will be sourced from item field eXtendPack Units Per Pack {custitem_extend_pack_units_per_packif any value is specified on the item record. You can also change this value as per your requirement at transaction level.
If your administrator has configured a workflow for auto-generating the package information records based on the value specified under item field Units Per Pack {custcol_extend_pack_units_per_packthen the package information will be generated automatically as per the workflow configuration. Please refer to this article for more information regarding the workflow configuration - eXtendPack Installation & Configuration

Shipping Order using Ship-Engine

Once your package information is specified correctly you can initiate shipping order using Ship-Engine by clinking on workflow button Ship Via Ship-Engine.
Note: The label of button can be different as per configuration done by your administrator. If the button is unavailable then your administrator may have created a automated flow for shipping orders via Ship-Engine. In such scenarios please constact your administrator for more details.

Once the order is successfully placed to Ship-Engine then the field SHIP LABEL GLOM {custbody_extend_pack_ship_eng_label_glwill show data as received from Ship Engine.