Version: 1.3.7 and above
Audience: User

  1. Start creating a new Opportunity Record. 

  2. Select the eXtendPresentation default form.  Note: depending on the setup performed by your NetSuite Administrator, you may have a different form to select. 

  3. Navigate to the eXtendPresentation Field Group. Image Placeholder

  4. This field group has six fields and a button: 

    1. EXTENDPRESENTATION - INTRODUCTION COPY: Here you can provide an introduction message for your Presentation.  Note: The value provided in NetSuite’s default Title field will act as the Title for your Presentation introduction message. 

    2. EXTENDPRESENTATION GENERATE PUBLIC LINK: You will mark this field as Checked for creating an external public link for the Presentation. You can view a video demo of how the field works here. 

    3. EXTEND PRESENTATION LINK: This field will be auto-populated with an external Presentation link when you Save your Presentation and when the Generate Public Link is checked. You can share this link with your customer for receiving their response on your Presentation. 


      1. When you click this button, a modal will appear which allows you to choose items for your Presentation. You can view a video demo of the feature here. 
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      2. On the Presentation Modal choose your Presentation item from item select list. 
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      3. On the dropdown you will be able to view small image icons if they are present on the item record as per the image field specified by your NetSuite Administrator on setup. You can set Item Type preferences, Item Description, and Image Field references directly from this modal by clicking on the gear icon beside the item header.
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        Note: The image fields specified here will override the image field value specified by your NetSuite Administrator, and the Description Field will override the default field “salesdescription” for rendering the Item Description. The default values of these fields can be specified on setup. If “DO NOT SAVE USER ITEM SOURCING PREF” checkbox is checked on Presentation Setup then the item field sourcing preferences changed by the user will not be saved.

      4. On selection of item, its Description will be auto-populated from the Item Record. 
      5. The Item Image field will automatically pull values from the Item Fields that are configured in the Setup. 
      6. You can configure the image list from the gear icon present in the header. Below is a screenshot of available options for image list configuration. 
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      7. If the extendFiles bundle is installed in your account and the image upload feature using extendFiles is configured, you will be able to view a plus icon on image URL field input section. 
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      8. If you click this icon the extendFiles upload modal appears for uploading a new file. 
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      9. Upload your image file. 
      10. Upon successful upload of your file, the link of the uploaded file is populated in the URL field on the item Presentation Modal. You can view a video demo of the eXtendFiles Uploading feature here. 
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      11. Quantity Pricing features. 
        1. Cost, price and quantity are auto-populated from the Item Record if these values exist on Item Record. 
        2. Cost: You can specify cost of the items based on quantity-pricing. 
        3. GP%: GP% is calculated automatically based on the Cost and Price of the item. (GP%=((Price-Cost)/Price) * 100%). 
        4. Label: Allows you to add any label with respect to its specification. You can enter more custom label lines by clicking on the add icon as shown in the screenshot below.
        5. Item Comments: You can also specify comments for the item in quantity pricing field. 
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        6. After adding all the information regarding your Presentation items, click Done to save the Presentation item information. The number of Item quantity/pricing breaks entered will be shown on the Specify Item Quantity/Pricing Breaks button after selection. An inline HTML table of the selected Presentation items can be viewed for reference on what has been configured within the modal. 
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    5. EXTEND PRESENTATION USER NAME: The Customer’s name will be displayed in this field after they have submitted a response to the Presentation. If the RETAIN EXTENDPRESENTATION COMMENTS HISTORY feature is enabled the user name with comment and time stamp will be logged in the EXTEND PRESENTATION CUSTOMER COMMENTS” inline field. 
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    6. EXTEND PRESENTATION REP: This is the Presentation representative name. This allows other employees to create Presentations on the behalf of other Sales Reps. You can view a video demo of the feature here. 
    7. EXTEND PRESENTATION CUSTOMER COMMENTS: The comments from a customer’s Presentation response will be displayed here. If the RETAIN EXTENDPRESENTATION COMMENTS HISTORY feature is enabled the user name with comment and time stamp will be displayed here.

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      Note: If eXtendFiles is not installed in your account or your Presentation Modal is not configured with the file upload feature, the image URL field will appear as shown in the screenshot below. 
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