
Before adding center links, you will need to first create the center tab and center category.

Center Links Creation

The list below shows the center links we recommend be created for easy navigation to eXtendPresentation Setup links.

  1. Setup
    This link will be used for configuring the eXtendPresentation Setup.

    1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the eXtendPresentation Suitelet.Image Placeholder

    2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the eXtendTech Presentation Setup.Image Placeholder

    3. On the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.Image Placeholder

    4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-DE center category, and labeled the link as Setup.
After adding the above link, your center link will appear on your dashboard under in the eXtendTech center tab as shown below:
Image Placeholder