Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.8 and above
Audience: Administrator, Developer


eXtendPS-DE provides the ability to customize the process of Vendor Bill generation. This is particularly useful when complex rules need to be written, such as for customizing item matching rules, adding additional line items on the Vendor Bills, or adding a custom memo.

To make this process easier, eXtendPS-DE includes SuiteScript functional hooks. These hooks let developers write complex script rules without the need for additional scripts in NetSuite.

Custom Functions in eXtendPS-DE

The following custom functions are included in our scripts. They can be used to control the logic of Vendor Bill creation:

You will need to specify these functions in the suite_promo_transformers.js file which you can find via Global Search in NetSuite.
  1. getMatchedBillLineItem(): Matches items with the invoice response and returns the reformed invoice item information.
  2. beforeBillLineCommit(): Executes before committing the lines in the vendor bill record.
  3. beforeBillRecordSave(): Executes before saving the vendor bill record.
  4. getMatchedBillLineItemForQuantityAndRateOnly(): Matches the items against the quantity and rate for creating the vendor bill record.
These functions should be specified in the suite_promo_transformers.js file. This file can be found via Global Search in NetSuite.