Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.3
Audience: Users

Use Cases:
  • Review invoices received from PromoStandards before they are constituted as vendor bills.
  • Review invoices which have failed to be constituted as vendor bills.
  • Print the raw PromoStandards invoice response as a formatted PDF.

An eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response custom record is created to store the invoice response information in JSON format as received from PromoStandards. Certain body level fields are put into fields on the custom record for easier analysis and saved search reporting.

Details regarding the data available in fields of this custom record: 
  1. INVOICE NUMBER - The invoice number received in the invoice response.
  2. INVOICE DATE - The invoice date received in the invoice response.
  3. PURCHASE ORDER# - The purchase order number received in the invoice response.
  4. VENDOR - The vendor this invoice response is received from.
  5. INVOICE TOTAL - The total amount for the invoice.
  6. SHIPPING AMOUNT - This field represents the shipping amount received in the invoice response. For invoice version 0.0.1, shipping and handling are combined, and the combined value is shown under this field.
  7. HANDLING AMOUNT - This field represents the handling amount received in the invoice response. For invoice version 1.0.0, the handling charge is provided separately in the response.
  8. INVOICE TAX AMOUNT - The tax amount received in invoice the response. Applicable for invoice version 1.0.0 only.
  9. INVOICE SERVICE VERSION - The version of the invoice service used for fetching the response.
  10. MANUALLY BILLED? - You can use this field to mark records which were billed manually.
  11. NETSUITE PURCHASE ORDER - If the purchase order number received in the invoice response matches with any of the purchase order numbers existing in your NetSuite account, its reference will be set under this field.
  12. NETSUITE BILL - When this invoice response record is converted into a vendor bill, the reference of the vendor bill will be set in this field. See Bill Creation in NetSuite from PromoStandards Invoice Response article for more details regarding vendor bill creation from the invoice response record.
  13. MATCHING ERROR & ERROR CODE Any error that occurred during the creation of the custom record or the vendor bills from this record are logged in the Matching Error Error Code field.
  14. PROMOSTANDARDS DATA - This field will contain the invoice response received in JSON format.
  15. PROMOSTANDARDS DATA (SANITIZED) - This field will also contain the invoice response received in JSON format, but in a more formatted way. The value of this field will be used for PDF printing on the invoice response record.

We have provided the eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response PDF/HTML Template V1 Advanced Pdf/Html template which allows you to view formatted invoice details. If needed, you can create your own PDF print templates using the native Advanced PDF/HTML template on the eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response custom record.
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