Version: eXtendPS-DE 1.3.3 and above
Audience: Administrator, User
Use Cases
- Review invoices received from PromoStandards before they're converted to vendor bills.
- Examine invoices that failed to convert to vendor bills.
- Generate a formatted PDF of the raw PromoStandards invoice response.
The eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response custom record stores the supplier invoice response information in JSON format as received from PromoStandards. Key body-level fields are extracted into separate fields on the custom record for easier analysis and saved search reporting.
Field Details
Data available in fields of this custom record:
- INVOICE NUMBER: The invoice number from the response.
- INVOICE DATE: The invoice date from the response.
- PURCHASE ORDER#: The purchase order number from the response.
- VENDOR: The vendor who sent this invoice response.
- INVOICE TOTAL: The total invoice amount.
- SHIPPING AMOUNT: The shipping amount from the response. For invoice version 0.0.1, this includes both shipping and handling.
- HANDLING AMOUNT: The handling amount from the response. Separate from shipping in invoice version 1.0.0.
- INVOICE TAX AMOUNT: The tax amount from the response. Applicable only for invoice version 1.0.0.
- INVOICE SERVICE VERSION: The version of the invoice service used to fetch the response.
- MANUALLY BILLED?: Use this field to mark records billed manually.
- NETSUITE PURCHASE ORDER: If the received purchase order number matches an existing one in your NetSuite account, its reference is set here.
- NETSUITE BILL: When this invoice response record becomes a vendor bill, the bill's reference is set here. See Bill Creation in NetSuite from PromoStandards Invoice Response for more details.
- MATCHING ERROR & ERROR CODE: Any errors during custom record creation or vendor bill generation are logged here.
- PROMOSTANDARDS DATA: Contains the raw invoice response in JSON format.
- PROMOSTANDARDS DATA (SANITIZED): Contains a formatted version of the invoice response in JSON. This field's value is used for PDF printing on the invoice response record.
We provide the eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response PDF/HTML Template V1 Advanced PDF/HTML template for viewing formatted invoice details. You can also create custom PDF print templates using NetSuite's native Advanced PDF/HTML template on the eXtendPS-DE Invoice Response custom record.