Version: eXtendPS-SE all versions
Audience: Administrator


Before adding center links, you will need to first create the center tab and center category first.

Center Links Creation

The list below shows the recommended center links for easy navigation in eXtendPS-SE:


This link will be used for configuring the main setup screen in eXtendPS-SE.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".Image Placeholder

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Main Setup".
    Image Placeholder

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Setup".

SOAP Services URL

This link will be used for generating PromoStandards SOAP service URLs.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE WSDL Url Form".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "SOAP Services URL".

Inventory Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards inventory service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Inventory Service Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.

    Image Placeholder
  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Inventory Setup".

Order Status Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards order status service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Order Status Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Order Status Setup".

Order Shipment Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards order shipment notification service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Order Shipment Notification Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Order Shipment Setup".

Product Data Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards product data service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Product Data Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Product data Setup".

Media Content Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards media content service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Product Media Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Product Media Setup".

Product Pricing and Configuration Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards product pricing and configuration service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Product Pricing Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "P&C Setup".

Invoice Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards invoice service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Invoice Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Invoice Setup".

Purchase Order Setup

This link will be used for configuring the PromoStandards purchase order service.
  1. Go to Customization  Scripting  Scripts and view the Suitelet named "eXtendPS-SE Suitelet".

  2. Click the Deployments subtab and open the "eXtendPS-SE Purchase Order Setup".

  3. In the Links subtab, add the center, section, category, and label.
    Image Placeholder

  4. In the example above, we have used the Classic Center center type, eXtendTech center tab, eXtendPS-SE center category, and labeled the link as "Purchase Order Setup".

eXtendPS-SE Users

This link will be to create, edit, and view eXtendPS-SE User records.
  1. Go to Customization  Lists, Records & Fields  Record Types and edit the eXtendPS-SE record.
    Image Placeholder

  2. In the record definition, specify the center, section, category, link, and label as shown below for any appropriate centers.
    Image Placeholder

User Action Queue

This link will be used for viewing purchase order requests in the queue.
  1. Go to Customization  Lists, Records & Fields  Record Types and edit the eXtendPS-SE User Action Queue record.
    Image Placeholder

  2. In the record definition, specify the center, section, category, link, and label as shown below for any appropriate centers.
    Image Placeholder


After adding the links, your center link will appear on your dashboard under the eXtendTech (Center Tab) eXtendPS-SE (Center Category), as shown below:
Image Placeholder