Version: eXtendRoyalties and above
Audience: Administrator
The eXtendRoyalties bundle allows you to pay royalties directly to a Royalty Recipient for the purchase of royalty items. For the payment of royalties, you will initiate Customer Refund based on the generated royalty records which have been earned by the recipient. You can then pay royalties to the recipient using any of your available NetSuite Payment Methods.
To configure eXtendRoyalties, start by navigating to eXtendTech → eXtendRoyalties → Setup.
- Configure the A/R Account or A/P Account and Income Account which you wish to use as part of the Royalty process.
- A/R Account or A/P Account
This is the account which will be credited by the Royalties process. - Income Account
This is the account which will be debited by the Royalties process. - Open the included Royalties Transaction Search ID saved search eXtendTech Royalty [eXtendRoyalties Bundle] {customsearch_extend_royalty_saved_search} and save a copy of this saved search. Enter your new saved search ID in the Royalties Transaction Search ID field on the eXtendTech Royalties Setup page.This saved search will be used to pull existing royalty transaction lines to avoid reprocessing records that have been already processed. Typically, no modifications need to be performed aside from creating a copy of the included saved search.
- Open the included Invoice Line Search ID saved search eXtendTech Royalties Invoice [eXtendRoyalties Bundle] {customsearch_extend_royalties_invoice_se} and save a copy of this saved search. Add any additional filters to exclude records you would want to not have a royalty generated. For example: exclude Sales Order-based replenishment orders since a royalty shouldn't be created for a replenishment. Enter your new saved search ID in the Invoice Line Search ID field on the eXtendTech Royalties Setup page.
- If you want to set the transaction date on a generated royalty transaction as the invoice date from the source transaction (i.e., the date from the originating Invoice/Cash Sale), mark the checkbox USE DATE FROM SOURCE TRANSACTION? as checked. If you'd like to use "today" as the date for the royalty transaction, set the USE DATE FROM SOURCE TRANSACTION? as unchecked.