Version: eXtendSanMar 1.0.8 and above
Audience: Administrator, User


Two methods are available for automatically creating NetSuite vendor bills from SanMar invoices, without the need to manually enter line item details and costs. The first method involves using a scripted button on the purchase order record. The second method involves creating vendor bills automatically on a scheduled basis.

Configuration Details

eXtendSanMar supports two methods for creating vendor bills automatically:
a) Using the SanMar Bill button on the purchase order record.
b) Using a Scheduled Map/Reduce script with a defined saved search containing the source data.

Using the SanMar Bill button

On a purchase order which was submitted to SanMar via eXtendSanMar, there will be a button labeled SanMar Bill which will allow you to create vendor bills in NetSuite based on SanMar's invoice information.

  • The SanMar Bill button will only be displayed when your purchase irder is in the following NetSuite Statuses:
    • 'Pending Bill'
    • 'Pending Receipt'
    • 'Pending Billing/Partially Received'
  • If the response from SanMar contains more than three invoices, the generation of vendor bills will be handled by a Map/Reduce script. Upon successful generation of the bills, you will be notified via email with the details of the generated bills.
    Image Placeholder

Using a Scheduled Map/Reduce Script

1. To prevent any custom criteria you may have from being overwritten during future bundle updates, make a copy of the saved search titled "eXtendSanMar Purchase Order For Vendor Bill[Bundle]" and save it with a different name, using your preferred criteria.

2. Make a note of the saved search's ID.

3. Go to the eXtendSanMar Setup page at eXtendTech → eXtendSanMar Setup and add the saved search internal id from step 2 to the Vendor Bill Saved Search field on the Additional Settings subtab and click Submit.

Note: NetSuite Administrator permission may be required to access the setup page depending on your configuration.

4. Schedule the Map/Reduce script for automatic processing. Find and open the "eXtendSanMar Create Bill Map/Reduce" Map/Reduce script and schedule it per your desired schedule.

Note: a role with SuiteScript permissions is required to access the scripts and script deployment pages.

Note: If there are more than 10 SanMar invoices for a single purchase order, not all bills will created if you are using the Map-Reduce method.