Version: eXtendSearch 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator

After configuring the main setup page for eXtendSearch, you will configure the eXtendSearch record(s) which you want to use with the service. You can view a video demo of the process here. 

  1. Go to Setup → eXtendSearch → Saved Search for eXtendSearch → New.

  2. Configure the eXtendSearch record.

    1. Specify the Name of your eXtendSearch.

    2. Enter the Saved Search ID for the saved search to be displayed in the eXtendSearch results.

    3. Set a Page Size. This is the number of results to be displayed on a single page. Setting a high value may lead to performance issues when saving. The recommended page size is 15, the maximum page size is 30, and the minimum page size is 10.

    4. Select the template to associate with this eXtendSearch. To add a new template see eXtendSearch Setup Configuration.

  3. Click Save.

  4. After the page saves and is refreshed, the URL for the eXtendSearch will be populated.

Note: by default, all fields within your eXtendSearch will be inline editable. To disable inline editing for certain fields, Edit your eXtendSearch, click the Manage Settings Data button, and deselect fields which should not be editable. You can view a video demo of the process here. 

Image Placeholder 

Image Placeholder 


You can view all eXtendSearches from the Setup → eXtendSearch  Saved Search for eXtendSearch records list. To disable an eXtendSearch record, mark it Inactive or delete the eXtendSearch record.