Version: eXtendSO-PO Line Sourcing
Audience: Administrator

The eXtendSO-PO writing customization's main purpose is to sync line items or field values from the Purchase Order to the associated Sales Order. In many cases, you will need to add line items or values directly on an existing Purchase Order and you will have to create those same line items on the Sales Order as well. eXtendSO-PO allows you to trigger those same line items and values to be updated on the Sales Order automatically without additional manual Sales Order editing. 

Follow the steps below for configuration of the eXtendSO-PO bundle.

1. Navigate to the User Event Script eXtendTech SO PO Items User Event at Customization → Scripts → eXtendTech SO PO Items User Event.

2. Navigate to Deployments → Purchase Order.

3. Edit the Deployment and add your required Sales Order/Purchase Order column fields in the Parameters.

Note: By default, the Purchase Order Item Column Fields that are mapped with the Sales Order Column Fields are shown below. If you are not using eXtendOrders, you may need to replace the “custcol_extend_mainitemcost” with your own item cost field.

  • Item 

  • Item Description 

  • Item Quantity 

  • Item Rate (cost) 

  • Item Rate (sell price) 

  • eXtendOrders Cost 

[{"item": "item"}, {"description": "description"}, {"quantity": "quantity"},
{"rate": "porate"}, {"custcol_extend_sopoitem_rate": "rate"},
{"rate": "custcol_extend_mainitemcost"}] 

The JSON above is in the format of {Purchase Order field id: Sales Order field id}.

If you wish to map additional Line Item Column fields, you can simply add the fields using the formatting above in the script level parameter eXtendTech SO Line Item IDs.

If you want to update any transaction body field from the Purchase Order record to the Sales Order record, then specify the mapping between the Purchase Order record and Sales Order record body fields in the script level parameter eXtendSOPO Body Fields IDs.

Image Placeholder

Note: If you want to pass any hard-coded value(s) for Sales Order column fields upon update of the Sales Order record from the Purchase Order record, you can do so by defining your hard-coded value(s) in the format below.

  • If you want to always write the value on Sales Order record's column field (even if it contains some other value) use the "hardcoded" syntax shown below.

  • If you don't want to overwrite the value which is in a column you can use hardcoded_do_not_overwrite syntax shown below.

  { "item""item" },
  { "description""description" },
  { "quantity""quantity" },
  { "rate""porate" },
  { "custcol_extend_sopoitem_rate""rate" },
  { "rate""custcol_extend_mainitemcost" },
    "hardcoded": [
      { "description""Hard-coded Description to be Set" }
    "hardcoded_do_not_overwrite": [
      { "taxcode""-7" }

4. The Purchase Order Line Item to Sales Order Line Item Column Field updates will update the existing line item on the Sales Order when the eXtendSOPO Update Same SO Line Item preference is checked/enabled.
Image Placeholder


The Purchase Order Line Item to Sales Order Line Item Column Field updates will update the existing line when the eXtendSOPO Update Same SO Line Item preference is checked only for unique line items.

  • Purchase Order Item X will update the original line item on the associated Sales Order if the Sales Order contains Item X only once across all line items.
  • Purchase Order Item X will add an additional line item on the associated Sales Order if the Sales Order contains Item X on two separate line items since the associated line to update cannot be determined.