Version: eXtendVendorQuantityCost 1.1.0
Audience: Administrator

eXtendVendor Quantity Cost enables you to dynamically update the item cost on Purchase Orders records based on the associated item quantity and Purchase Order vendor. 

Configuring Workflows

Bundle Workflow

It is recommended to copy the bundled workflows and mark the bundled workflows in a Not Running state. 

This bundle includes following workflows: 
  1. eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost [B] 
  2. eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost Async[B] 
  3. eXtendVQC Record Validation [B]

Make a copy of these workflows and rename them as eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost [Your Company Name/LIVE] and eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost Async [Your Company Name/LIVE] and change their status to Released. Make sure to change the status of the original bundled workflows to Not Running.

The workflows use the "Open Purchase Order" and "Not Billed/Received Purchase Order" criteria by default. However, you can modify these criteria to meet your specific requirements.

  1. eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost [B]
    This workflow is responsible for updating the cost of a purchase order in real-time when the purchase order record is created or edited. If you need to disable real-time cost updates, you can suspend this workflow.

  2. eXtendVendorCost Update PO Cost Async[B]
    This workflow is responsible for creating an eXtendTech Job Queue record for special order or drop ship purchase orders. The job queue record will then be processed asynchronously to update costs.

    If you want to disable asynchronous cost updates on Purchase Order records, you can mark this workflow as "suspended" or "not initiating".
  3. eXtendVQC Record Validation [B]
    This workflow validates the creation of VQC records. It is recommended to always keep this workflow in "released" mode to avoid any mistakes during the creation of VQC records.

Other Workflows

Apart from bundled workflows, eXtendTech will create the workflow below:
  • eXtendVendorCost Process Queued PO [Your Company Name/LIVE]
    This workflow will process the Purchase Order records present in eXtendTech Job Queue for updating the cost on the Purchase Order records.

Creating eXtendVendor Quantity Cost Records

To utilize the eXtendVendor Quantity Cost feature, eXtendVendor Quantity Cost records will be defined that contain item references and their associated quantity pricing.

  1. Create Parent eXtendVendor Quantity Cost Record
    1. Go to eXtendTech Vendor Quantity Cost Vendor Quantity Cost Table → New.
      Image Placeholder

      Note: Some of the fields will be inactive on the parent record.

    2. Specify field details
      1. Name
        Specify a name for your parent record. It is recommended to name this record as Vendor Name - Item Name

      2. Vendor Quantity Cost
        Specify a default cost that will be applied to all quantity breaks in case cost details are not specified on child records.

      3. Quantity Cost Vendor
        Select the vendor that this pricing applies to.
      4. Quantity Cost Item
        Select the item that this pricing applies to.

      5. Leave the other disabled fields empty as they are not required on the parent record.

  2. Creating Child eXtendVendor Quantity Cost Record
    1. Go to eXtendTech Vendor Quantity Cost Vendor Quantity Cost Table → New and select the parent record.Image Placeholder

      Note: As soon as you select the parent record the fields that are needed for child record creation will become active and other fields will become disabled.

      1. Name
        Specify a name for your child record. We recommend naming this record using a sequence number that corresponds to your quantity cost level. For example, if the parent name is "3M-BS Matrix Item-B" and the quantity pricing break you want to specify is "0-500," name this record "3M-BS Matrix Item-B (0-500).”

      2. Parent
        Select the parent record which this child record is associated with.

        Note: If you are creating child records directly from the parent record, this field will be auto-populated.

      3. Vendor Quantity Cost Minimum Quantity(Inclusive)
        Specify the minimum range of the item quantity for quantity cost. The minimum quantity specified here will be inclusive in the range.

      4. Vendor Quantity Cost Maximum Quantity(Exclusive)
        Specify the maximum range of the item quantity for quantity cost. The Maximum quantity specified here will be exclusive in the range. If you don’t want to specify any upper limit to this range, leave this field blank.

      5. Vendor Quantity Cost
        Specify the cost for the item which will be applicable for this quantity break.

        Note: You can leave this field empty if you want to consider the parent record's cost for this quantity break.

      6. Cost Discount Percentage
        To specify a discount percentage to be applied to either the parent record's cost or the current record's cost, enter the value in this field. See the examples below for some use cases.
        1. If a Vendor Quantity Cost and a Cost Discount Percentage are both are specified on the child record, the child record cost will be considered for the discount. For example, if the child record has a cost of 20 and the cost discount percentage is 10, then 18 will be set as the purchase order record.

        2. If a Cost Discount Percentage is specified on the child record and a Vendor Quantity Cost is specified on the parent record, then the parent record's cost will be used to calculate the discount cost. For example, if the child record's discount percentage is 10 and a cost of 100 is specified on the parent record, then the purchase order record will show a cost of 90.

        3. If a Cost Discount Percentage is not specified on the child record and only the Vendor Quantity Cost is specified, then the child record's cost is used. For instance, if the discount percentage is not specified on the child record and the cost is specified as 20, then 20 will be set on the purchase order record.

        4. If both the Cost Discount Percentage and Vendor Quantity Cost are not specified on the child record, and a cost is specified on the parent record, then the parent record cost is used. For example, if a discount percentage is not specified on the child record and the parent record specifies a cost of 100, then the purchase order record will be set to 100.
    2. A vendor and item do not need to be specified on the child records as it will consider these values from its parent record. 

      Note: You can create child records directly from parent record from the “New Null” button as shown in the below screenshot.
      Image Placeholder

Mass updating Purchase Order Cost

To update purchase order item costs in bulk, follow the steps below.

  1. Create a saved search
    To update multiple purchase order item costs or legacy purchase ordercosts, create a saved search for filtering down to the purchase orders records which are to be considered in the update.

    Note: It is recommended to exclude purchase orders that are already in process or closed.

  2. Execute Mass Update
    1. To execute the mass update, go to eXtendTech → eXtendVendor Quantity Cost → Job Runner.

    2. Select Update purchase orders line item cost under the Quantity Cost PO Jobs field.

    3. Specify the internal ID of the saved search from #1 in the Saved Search ID field.
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    4. Click Submit to start the mass update.

Scheduled Cost Update for Items on Purchase Order Records

To execute the purchase order cost update on a scheduled basis, you can create a scheduled deployment of the eXtendVendorCost Update PO Map Reduce Map/Reduce script.