Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator


Before the invoicing service can be made available to distributors, it needs to be configured. This configuration involves mapping fields from the NetSuite invoice record to the corresponding fields in the PromoStandards invoice API response.


  1. Go to eXtendTech →  eXtendPS-SE → Invoice Setup.
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  2. Configure the fields in the General Configuration section as follows:
    1. Saved Search ID for Invoicing Results*– Specify the saved search id which contains invoices to be returned by the service.
    2. Allow Sub-customer’s Invoices – This checkbox determines whether to show the invoice record for sub-customers in response or not.
    3. Do Not Add Tax Fields In Search –This checkbox determines whether to send tax information in the invoice response or not.
  3. Configure the fields in the WSDL Mappings (General) section as follows:
    1. Invoice Line Item ID (0.0.1 Only) *- Invoice column field ID in the Saved Search ID for Invoicing Results saved search whose value will be sent as the invoiceLineItemNumber in the invoice response.
    2. Purchase Order Line Item Number- Invoice column field ID in the Saved Search ID for Invoicing Results saved search whose value will be sent as the purchaseOrderLineItemNumber in the invoice response.
    3. Invoice Date- Invoice creation date field present in above specified Invoicing result saved search. Recommended field for this is {trandate}
    4. Invoice Number- Invoice number field in above specified Invoicing result saved search. Recommended field for this is {transactionnumber}
    5. Sales Order Number Field – Sales Order number field whose value will be sent over Invoice service response. Recommended field for this is {tranid}
    6. Purchase Order Number- Purchase Order number field in above specified Invoicing result saved search. Recommended field for this is {otherrefnum}
    7. Bill to Account Name- Bill To account name field in above specified Invoicing result saved search which will be invoiced for the purchase order. Recommended field for this is {customermain.companyname}
    8. Bill to Account Number- Bill To account number field in above specified Invoicing result saved search which will be invoiced for the purchase order. Recommended field for this is {customermain.accountnumber}
    9. Ship to Account Name- ShipTo account name field in above specified Invoicing result saved search which will be invoiced for the purchase order. Recommended field for this is {shipaddressee}
    10. Ship to Account Number- ShipTo account number field in above specified Invoicing result saved search which will be invoiced for the purchase order. Recommended field for this is {customermain.accountnumber}
    11. FOB ID- FOB point field in above specified Invoicing result saved search.
    12. Invoice Currency –Currency field in above specified Invoicing result saved search. Recommended field for this is {subsidiary.currency}. More details regarding invoice currency configuration can be found in this link. Note: This field will not be available on Non-Multi Currency account.
  4. Fill in the fields of the WSDL Mappings (Invoice 1.0.0) section as follows:
    1. Line Item Part Id – Line item part Id field on Invoice record. Recommended field {item.itemid}
    2. Line Item Product Id – Line item product Id field on Invoice record. Recommended field {item.parent}
    3. Line Item Charge Id – Line item charge Id field on Invoice record.
    4. Line Item Number –Line item number field on Invoice record. Recommended field {line}
    5. Item Ordered Quantity – Line item ordered quantity field on Invoice record.
    6. Quantity – Line item quantity field on Invoice record. Recommended field {quantity}
    7. Item Back Ordered Quantity – Line item back ordered quantity field on Invoice record.
    8. Item UOM – Line item UOM field on Invoice record. Recommended field {unit}
    9. Item Description – Line item description field on Invoice record. Recommended field {memo}
    10. Item Unit Price – Line item rate field on Invoice record. Recommended field {rate}
    11. Item Extended Price – Line item extended price field on Invoice record.
    12. Distributor Product Id – Line item distributor product Id field on Invoice record.
    13. Distributor Part Id – Line item distributor part Id field on Invoice record. Recommended field {item.vendorname}
    14. Purchase Order Version – Purchase Order version field on Invoice record.
    15. Payment Terms – Payment terms field on Invoice record. Recommended field {terms}
    16. Bill To Email – Bill to email address for your Invoice. Recommended field {}
    17. Ship To Email – Ship to email address for your Invoice. Recommended field {}
    18. Payment Due Date – Due date of your Invoice. Recommended field {duedate}
    19. Sales Amount – Subtotal amount of Invoice, excluding taxes, shipping & handling charges. Recommended field {subtotal}
    20. Shipping Amount – Total shipping amount applied on Invoice. Recommended field {shippingamount}
    21. Handling Amount – Total handling amount applied on Invoice. Recommended field {handlingamount}
    22. Tax Amount – Total tax amount applied on Invoice. Recommended field {taxtotal}
    23. Total Amount – Grand total amount applied on Invoice. Recommended field {totalamount}
    24. Advanced Payment Amount – Total advanced payment amount applied on Invoice. Recommended field {amountpaid}
    25. Amount Due – Total due amount of the Invoice. Recommended field {amountremaining}
    26. Taxes Tax Jurisdiction Field – Jurisdiction/State field on tax item. Recommended field {taxitem.state}
    27. Taxes Tax Type Field – Tax type field on tax item.
    28. Taxes Tax Amount Field – Tax amount field on tax item.  Recommended field {amount}

      Note: You can specify the column number of the results of the search specified on Saved Search ID for Invoicing Result field on setup under above mentioned setup fields. In this case the values will be picked from the search column specified by you in these fields.
  5. Line Item Tax Type Mapping (Sub-Tab)- Specify mappings between NetSuite’s tax type against PromoStandards tax type.Image Placeholder
  6. UOM Mapping (Sub-Tab)- Specify mappings between NetSuite’s UOM against PromoStandards UOM.Image Placeholder
    1. NetSuite UOM This field will show you the list of all UOM types created in your NetSuite account. Select the required unit type against which you want to create the UOM mapping.
    2. NetSuite UOM Unit Name - Specify the name of the unit present under the selected UOM type for which you want to create UOM mapping. As shown in below screenshot, you will have to specify Each if you want to create the mapping against this unit name.
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    3.  PromoStandards UOM - Select the PromoStandards UOM which will be mapped with your NetSuite UOM.
  7. Currency Mapping (Sub-Tab)- Specify mappings between NetSuite’s Currency against PromoStandards Currency. Note: If no currency mapping is provided then USD will be returned as currency in invoice response.
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