Version: eXtendSAGE-DE 1.0.0
Audience: Administrator


The Item JSON search in eXtendSAGE-DE enables retrieving data from SAGE in JSON format for a specific item. This feature is useful for determining available fields that you may want to map between SAGE and your NetSuite item records.

Steps to Use the Item JSON Search in eXtendSAGE-DE

  1. Access the Item JSON Search View
    • Go to eXtendTech → eXtendSAGE-DE → Item JSON.
  2. Enter Item EID
    • In the Item EID field, input the SAGE item id for the item that you are looking for.Image Placeholder
  3. Perform Search
    1. Click "Search" to retrieve the JSON information from the queried item. This information can then be used for Creating eXtendTech Field Mapping Records for Item Constitution.
      Image Placeholder