Version: eXtendPS-DE and above
Audience: User, Administrator

The eXtendPS-DE bundle enables you to create auto-fulfillments against your Sales Order, if a Purchase Order is created from a Sales Order record.  Item-fulfillment creation will be done on scheduled basis with the help of a scheduled workflow.

Additional Configuration

You will need some additional configuration for executing this feature. Details regarding those configuration are mentioned below:

1. Saved Search Creation

You will need to create a saved search for the Sales Order record on which you want to execute auto-fulfillment creation action. A saved search "eXtendPS-DE Sales Order Item Fulfillment [Bundle]" is provided along with the bundle, you can clone this saved search and add any additional criteria as per your requirement into it.

2. Workflow Configuration

A scheduled workflow "eXtendPS-DE Create Shipment From SO[B]" is provided along with the bundle which will be used for creating auto-fulfillment records from your Sales Order based on the provided saved search. You will have to clone this saved search and mention the saved search created by you in above section in your cloned workflow.

3. Workflow Action Script Parameter Configuration

a. Navigate to "eXtendPS-DE Create Shipment From SO" workflow action script and go to its deployment which is created on Sales Order.

b. Specify values under script parameters. Details regarding the script parameters are mentioned below:

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  • EXTENDPS-DE VENDOR ON SO - Select the vendor which will be used for receiving the Order Shipment Notification response from PromoStandards based on which the fulfillment records will be created. Note: Make Sure the vendor mentioned in this field is configured with Order Shipment Notification endpoints.
Note: If any vendor is mentioned under "eXtendPS-DE Vendor" on your Sales Order record will be consider for fetching Order Shipment Notification details from PromoStandards over the vendor mentioned in script level parameter.

Please make sure the vendor specified in script level parameter "eXtendPS-DE OSN VENDOR ID" of the deployment created against "eXtendPS-DE OSN Glom" Map/Reduce script is same as the vendor specified in this deployment's script level parameter. If these both vendors are not same then OSN information rendering on Sales Order and the item fulfillment creation will not be in sync.

  • EXTENDPS-DE ORDER NUMBER FIELD ID - Specify the value mentioned under field "ORDER NUMBER" present on eXtendPS-DE setup under "Purchase Order" tab as shown in below screenshot.

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  • EXTENDPS-DE ITEM PART ID FIELD ID - Specify item field Id which will be used for getting item part field id from item record to match items received in Order Shipment Notification response from PromoStandards.

After implementing above mentioned configuration, fulfillment records will be created on scheduled basis as per the scheduling configured by you for the workflow "eXtendPS-DE Create Shipment From SO[B]" against the Sales Orders records which falls under the saved search mentioned by you on this scheduled workflow.

Note: The fulfillment records created from your Sales Order record in this case will utilize the item quantity present in your account. You will have to handle the inventory count of your item. Please contact eXtendTech support for any further clarification regarding this feature.