Version: eXtendPS-SE all versions
Audience: Administrator

In eXtendPS-SE, when you assign the Order Status or Order Shipment Notification services to an eXtendPS-SE Users record linked with a parent customer, the response will include results for both the parent and its subcustomers.

For example,

  • NetSuite Parent Customer: Customer A
  • NetSuite Sub Customer: Customer B
  • NetSuite Sub Customer: Customer C
  • eXtendPS-SE Users record: linked with Customer A

In this case, Order Status and Order Shipment responses will include results for Customer A, Customer B, and Customer C.

However, for customers not associated with any parent or subcustomer (i.e., standalone customers), individual eXtendPS-SE Users records tied to specific customers must be used to access their particular orders.

Note that this is only applicable to the Order Status and Order Shipment Notification services. For other services, such as Invoice, Purchase Order, and Product Pricing and Configuration, you might want to use individual eXtendPS-SE Users records to ensure a customer-specific response.