Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.7 and above
Audience: Administrator, User
Applicable For: Product Data 2.0.0


In Product Data 2.0.0, the Product Primary Image URL can be included in the GetProductResponse. This is done using the eXtendPS-SE Media Details custom record.


There are a few different scenarios for how the image URL is sourced:
  1. Multiple "Primary" Images: If your item record is linked to multiple media records, all classified as "Primary", the system will return the URL of the most recently modified image.

  2. Cached Image URL: If the "FETCH PRODUCT PRIMARY IMAGE URL REALTIME" preference is not enabled on the Product Data Setup screen, the system will source the image URL from cached data.

    To use this method, you need to deploy a copy of the "eXtendPS-SE Item Primary Image Glom[B]" workflow. We suggest using a copied version of this workflow and marking the original as not initiating or suspended. This prevents it from being updated when the bundle is updated.

    Please note that this workflow is used to optimize the response generation time. If you choose this method, you'll receive the most recent image data at the time the workflow was executed.

  3. Real-Time Image URL: If the "FETCH PRODUCT PRIMARY IMAGE URL REALTIME" preference is enabled on the Product Data Setup screen, the system will source the image URL in real time from the eXtendPS-SE Media Details custom record linked to the item record.

    If you want to use the second method (cached image URL), we recommend that you execute the "eXtendPS-SE Item Primary Image Glom[B]" workflow on all your items included in the Product Data response. This updates the cached data for the response.

    If an item's image data is not cached, no data will be passed in primaryImageURL, even if the media records linked with your item record have the primary image.