Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.3.7
Audience: Administrator

In Product Data 2.0.0, the location decoration array is sent over in GetProductResponse.

We support sending the location decoration array data using two methods:
1. From decoration records attached to the item record (Realtime Method).
2. From Cache.

The first method takes comparatively more time to generate the response since additional searches are executed for fetching data from the decoration records attached to the item record. To enable this method you will need to check the checkbox "FETCH PRODUCT DECORATION REALTIMEpresent on the Product Data Setup page.

The logic behind the location decoration array sent in Product Data 2.0.0 response are as follows:
1. If decorations (IMCs) are linked directly on the product - In this case, the decorations (IMCs) linked to the product will be sent in response.

2. If decorations (IMCs) are linked on the parent product - In this case, the decorations (IMCs) linked to the parent product will be sent in response.

3. If a decoration group (IMC Group) is linked directly on the product - In this case, the decorations (IMCs) present in the linked decoration group (IMC Group) of the product will be sent in response.

4. If a decoration group (IMC Group) is linked on the parent product - In this case, the decorations (IMCs) present in the linked decoration group (IMC Group) of the parent product will be sent in response.

Decoration Caching Configuration

Below are the steps involved for caching the item's decoration configurations:

a. Setup Configuration

Uncheck the checkbox FETCH PRODUCT DECORATION REALTIME present on the Product Data setup under the "Other Configuration" tab to enable this method.

b. Decoration Search Creation

To read data from the decoration records (IMC) attached to your items, you will need to create a saved search with all the required information in its column fields as per the details below:

i. You will need to specify columns with fields which are required in the Product Data 2.0.0 location decoration array. The list of required columns is below. Please make sure to add custom labels for the columns as mentioned in table below:

PromoStandards LocationDecorationArray Attributes
 Required By Promostandards
 Custom Label
Location name field present on your decoration record.
Data type: 255 String
Field on your decoration record which contains the value of the maximum number of imprint colors available, based on a decoration location & type.
Data type: Integer
Decoration name field present on your decoration record.
Data type: 64 String
Field on your decoration record which determines whether the location on the decoration is default location or not.
Data type: Boolean

Note: This field is defaulted as false if this column is not provided in search.
 Field on your decoration record which determines whether the price of this decoration is included or not.
Data type: Boolean

Note: This field is defaulted as false if this column is not provided in search.
In addition to the fields above, you will need to add a column which shows the decoration group (IMC Group) with which your decoration record is related. You must specify custom label glom_imcGroup against this column.

c. Script Deployment

Deploy the eXtendPS-SE Create Queue for IMC workflow action script on the decoration record (IMC).
Specify the saved search id from the previous step in its script level parameter "eXtendPS-SE IMC Saved Search Id".

d. Workflow Configuration

The eXtendPS-SE Cache IMC[S] workflow is provided along with eXtendPS-SE bundle. Make sure this workflow is active and in running state.

Create a workflow on your decoration record (IMC) using the workflow action script eXtendPS-SE Create Queue for IMC. 

You can create this workflow as an event-based or as schedule-based workflow depending on your requirementsThis workflow will create an extendTech Job Queue record for the decoration records coming under the saved search created by you in section b. Another system workflow eXtendPS-SE Cache IMC[S] will be executed automatically for the creation of eXtendTech Cache Store record with decoration information.

e. Decoration Caching

If you have followed all the above steps then now you are all set for returning decoration configurations from Cache.