Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.1 and above
Audience: Administrator


Processing PromoStandards responses can be time-consuming, as it involves several NetSuite saved searches and record load events to generate the service response. The time it takes can vary based on the service requested, different item attributes and configurations, and the NetSuite servers.

To reduce this response time, we've added a caching feature. When activated, the service responses are stored on eXtendTech servers after the first request. Future requests will be quicker as they use the cached data.

The caching feature helps in the following areas:

  • Reducing the amount of time needed to fetch responses.
  • Resolving connection time-out errors during large responses.
Services which support caching:
  1. Product Data 1.0.0
  2. Product Data 2.0.0

Caching Configuration

To enable responses from cache, enable the eXtendPS-SE Cache Response preference on the eXtendPS-SE Setup page.
Image Placeholder

Note: If the request has a size filter, it will not be cached.

Additional Information

1. View live response instead of cache

To view a live response instead of a cached response, add ?__no_cache=1 to the end of the endpoint
URL. When the request is made, it will use the real-time/live response.

2. Cache refresh time

The cached data is cleared every three days.

3. Updating cache in real-time

To manually update the cached response before it's cleared or regenerated, use the URL parameter mentioned in #1 above. This will provide a live response and also update the cache. Note: If the live response encounters any errors, the cached response will remain unchanged.