Version: eXtendPS-SE 1.4.2 and above
Audience: Administrator

Use Case

  • Display FOB points for all relevant inventory locations.
  • Assign multiple locations to an item to show corresponding FOB points.
  • Configure FOB points on item records without using the built-in NetSuite Location field.


eXtendPS-SE supports the configuration and mapping of FOB points to NetSuite Location records, which are then included in PromoStandards responses.

By default, you can only select one location on an item record using the location field, which makes it difficult to configure multiple FOB points for an item. To address this, eXtendPS-SE provides support for a custom multi-select location field called EXTENDPS-SE LOCATIONS {custitem_extend_ps_se_locations} on the item record. This field is used to map FOB points for the item. If you already have an existing multi-select location field on the item record, you can map that field instead.

Additionally, eXtendPS-SE enables the automatic population of location values in the EXTENDPS-SE LOCATIONS {custitem_extend_ps_se_locations} field based on the item inventory in different NetSuite locations. This means that if there is inventory for the item at Location A and Location B, those locations will be automatically linked in the multi-select field using the Map/Reduce script called eXtendPS-SE M/R Item Multi-Location.

See Creating PromoStandards FOB Points for detailed instructions on creating FOB records and applying them to the NetSuite Location record.


  1. Go to eXtendTech →  eXtendPS-SE → Product Pricing Setup.

  2. In the Location field within the general field mappings section, enter the internal ID of your multi-select location field. For example, custitem_extend_ps_se_locations.

    Image Placeholder
  • You can specify multiple fields. When specifying multiple fields, the first field containing a value will be used.
  • If you use the custitem_extend_ps_se_locations field along with NetSuite's native Location field, the locations present in both fields will be considered.

Updating Locations on Item Records

eXtendPS-SE can automatically update the location values in the EXTENDPS-SE LOCATIONS {custitem_extend_ps_se_locations} item field using the Map/Reduce script eXtendPS-SE M/R Item Multi-Location.

Note: this will only apply to items which have inventory details against them.

  1. Create a saved search filtered to the item records where you wish to update the location.

  2. Go to Customization → Scripting → Scripts and open the Map/Reduce script eXtendPS-SE M/R Item Multi-Location in view mode.

  3. Create a new script deployment and specify the saved search ID from step 1 in the ITEM SAVED SEARCH script parameter.Image Placeholder

  4. If you want to execute this on a scheduled basis, specify a schedule.

  5. If you want to execute the script one time, do not schedule the deployment and instead choose the Save & Execute option.

  6. After executing the Map/Reduce script, all item records from the associated saved search will be updated with location values based on their inventory availability across various inventory locations.